ISO 9001 standard and their impact on school management and planning and support systems: comparative study on perception between heads–teachers

dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel
dc.contributor.authorLeón Carrascosa, Víctor
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Zarzuelo, Angélica
dc.contributor.editorEmerald Publishing
dc.descriptionThis study is part of a broader project: R&D þ I EDU 2013–44801-P, “Impact of the application of ISO 9001 Standard in schools and associated factors”, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Referencias bibliográficas: • AENOR (2015), UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems. Requirements (ISO 9001:2015), AENOR, Madrid. • Ainscow, M., Beresford, J., Harris, A., Hopkins, D., Southworth, G. and West, M. (2013), Creating the Conditions for School Improvement: A Handbook of Staff Development Activities, Routledge, New York. • Alonso-Arévalo, J. (2003), “Evaluación de bibliotecas universitarias con el Modelo EFQM”, available at: • Angulo, P., Angulo, P.J., Coronel, E. and Espinoza, J.A. 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dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate and compare how school heads and teachers perceived the impact of implementing ISO 9001 Standards on the dimensions management and planning and support and recognition. The study included 2,192 subjects (86.2% teachers and 13.8% heads) belonging to 85 schools in four Spanish autonomous communities (Castilla y León, Community of Madrid, Andalusia and Community of Valencia). We used an instrument made up of 25 items evaluating both dimensions (Cronbach's α = 0.961). We conducted descriptive and differential analyses (applying ANOVA and calculating the effect size) overall and for the assessments by heads and teachers. Results show a higher impact in small private schools with state subsidies, with 9–11 years of ISO implementation and receiving internal aid or none at all. The impact was medium–high on the management and planning system and medium–low on support and recognition, with heads evaluating at a significantly higher level the impact of ISO 9001 standards on improvement of preparation of classroom timetables, meetings, analysis of staff expectations and recognition of staff achievements. Implementation of quality management systems in education has increased significantly in the last decades, and it is thus necessary to find evidence on how the resulting improvements are generated in schools. This study provides conclusions to the scientific and professional community about how school heads and teachers perceived the impact of implementing ISO 9001 standards on the dimensions management and planning and support and recognition.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Estudios Educativos
dc.description.facultyFac. de Educación
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez-Mantilla, J.M., León-Carrascosa, V. and Martínez-Zarzuelo, A. (2021), "ISO 9001 standard and their impact on school management and planning and support systems–Comparative study on perception between heads–teachers", The TQM Journal, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 1610-1630.
dc.journal.titleThe TQM Journal
dc.publisherEmerald Group Publishing
dc.relation.projectIDR&D þ I EDU 2013–44801-P, “Impact of the application of ISO 9001 Standard in schools and associated factors”
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalen
dc.rights.accessRightsmetadata only access
dc.subject.keywordISO standards
dc.subject.keywordManagement team
dc.subject.ucmCiencias Sociales
dc.subject.ucmPolítica educativa
dc.subject.ucmOrganización escolar
dc.subject.unesco58 Pedagogía
dc.subject.unesco5803 Preparación y Empleo de Profesores
dc.titleISO 9001 standard and their impact on school management and planning and support systems: comparative study on perception between heads–teachers
dc.typejournal article