N-BODIPYs Come into Play: Smart Dyes for Photonic Materials

N-BODIPYs (diaminoboron dipyrromethenes) are unveiled as a new family of BODIPY dyes with huge technological potential. Synthetic access to these systems has been gained through a judicious design focused on stabilizing the involved diaminoboron chelate. Once stabilized, the obtained N-BODIPYs retain the effective photophysical behavior exhibited by other boron-substituted BODIPYs, such as O-BODIPYs. However, key bonding features of nitrogen compared to those of oxygen (enhanced bond valence and different bond directionality) open up new possibilities forfunctionalizing BODIPYs, allowing an increase in the number of pendant moieties (from two in O-BODIPYs, up to four in N-BODIPYs) near the chromophore and, therefore, greater control of the photophysics. As a proof of concept, the following findings are discussed: (1) the low-cost and straightforward synthesis of a selected series of N-BODIPYs; (2) their outstanding photophysical properties compared to those of related effective dyes (excellent emission signatures, including fluorescence in the solid state; notable lasing capacities in the liquid phase and when doped into polymers; improved laser performance compared to the parent F-BODIPYs); (3) the versatility of the diaminoboron moiety in allowing the generation of multifunctionalized BODIPYs, permitting access to both symmetric and asymmetric dyes; (4) the capability of such versatility to finely modulate the dye photophysics towards different photonic applications, from lasing to chemosensing.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Manuscript received: March 24, 2017; Accepted manuscript online: May 3, 2017; Version of record online: June 12, 2017
UCM subjects
Óptica (Física), Química física (Física), Química orgánica (Química)
Unesco subjects
2209.19 Óptica Física, 2210 Química Física, 2306 Química Orgánica