Testing the horizontal-vertical stereo anisotropy with the critical-band masking paradigm

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Brash, Claire
Read, Jenny C A
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Stereo vision has a well-known anisotropy: At low frequencies, horizontally oriented sinusoidal depth corrugations are easier to detect than vertically oriented corrugations (both defined by horizontal disparities). Previously, Serrano-Pedraza and Read (2010) suggested that this stereo anisotropy may arise because the stereo system uses multiple spatial-frequency disparity channels for detecting horizontally oriented modulations but only one for vertically oriented modulations. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the critical-band masking paradigm. In the first experiment, we measured disparity thresholds for horizontal and vertical sinusoids near the peak of the disparity sensitivity function (0.4 cycles/°), in the presence of either broadband or notched noise. We fitted the power-masking model to our results assuming a channel centered on 0.4 cycles/°. The estimated channel bandwidths were 2.95 octaves for horizontal and 2.62 octaves for vertical corrugations. In our second experiment we measured disparity thresholds for horizontal and vertical sinusoids of 0.1 cycles/° in the presence of band-pass noise centered on 0.4 cycles/° with a bandwidth of 0.5 octaves. This mask had only a small effect on the disparity thresholds, for either horizontal or vertical corrugations. We simulated the detection thresholds using the power-masking model with the parameters obtained in the first experiment and assuming either single-channel and multiple-channel detection. The multiple-channel model predicted the thresholds much better for both horizontal and vertical corrugations. We conclude that the human stereo system must contain multiple independent disparity channels for detecting horizontally oriented and vertically oriented depth modulations.
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