Aplicaciones de la melatonina en cirugía bucal e implantología
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Universidad Complutense Madrid
La melatonina (N-acetil-5-metoxitriptamina) se define como una hormona derivada del aminoácido esencial Triptófano, con acciones paracrinas, autocrinas y antioxidantes que ejerce varias acciones dependientes e independientes de sus receptores. Sus primeros efectos fueron descritos en 1917 por McCord y Allen, pero no fue hasta 1958 cuando fue aislada e identificada por Lerner, Case y Takahashi. Esta molécula es sintetizada principalmente en la glándula pineal hasta los 30 años de edad. La producción de melatonina está determinada genéticamente y varía entre individuos, pudiendo alcanzar los 200 pg/ml durante la fase de oscuridad, siendo su nivel basal diurno de unos 10 pg/ml. Además, es sintetizada en otras regiones del organismo como la retina, el tracto gastrointestinal, la piel, la médula ósea y los linfocitos...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is defined as a hormone derived from the essential amino acid Tryptophan, with paracrine, autocrine and antioxidant actions that exerts several actions dependent and independent of its receptors. Its first effects were described in 1917 by McCord and Allen, but it was not until 1958 when it was isolated and identified by Lerner, Case and Takahashi. This molecule is synthesized mainly in the pineal gland until the age of 30. Melatonin production is genetically determined and varies between individuals, and can reach 200 pg/ml during the dark phase, with its daytime basal level being about 10 pg/ml. In addition, it is synthesized in other regions of the body such as the retina, gastrointestinal tract, skin, bone marrow and lymphocytes...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is defined as a hormone derived from the essential amino acid Tryptophan, with paracrine, autocrine and antioxidant actions that exerts several actions dependent and independent of its receptors. Its first effects were described in 1917 by McCord and Allen, but it was not until 1958 when it was isolated and identified by Lerner, Case and Takahashi. This molecule is synthesized mainly in the pineal gland until the age of 30. Melatonin production is genetically determined and varies between individuals, and can reach 200 pg/ml during the dark phase, with its daytime basal level being about 10 pg/ml. In addition, it is synthesized in other regions of the body such as the retina, gastrointestinal tract, skin, bone marrow and lymphocytes...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología, leída el 18/10/2024