Productive Performance, Egg Quality and Yolk Lipid Oxidation in Laying Hens Fed Diets including Grape Pomace or Grape Extract

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Phenolic compounds from grape products are known to possess antioxidant activity. Furthermore, grape polyphenols (anthocyanins) could be valorised as natural pigments. However, the dietary use of grape products in laying hen husbandry and its effect on egg quality traits and yolk lipid oxidation have been scarcely studied. In the present research work, egg yolk colour and Haugh units were increased with the intake of grape pomace and extract. Moreover, dietary inclusion of grape pomace at 60 g/kg increased the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the yolk and improved the yolk lipid oxidative stability during the storage of eggs, whereas no effect was obtained with grape extract. Regarding hen performance, both grape products reduced feed intake, feed conversion ratio and average egg weight, but they did not affect daily egg production and mass. Feeding grape pomace, at 60 g/kg, and grape extract, either at 0.5 or 1.0 g/kg, decreased protein digestibility. In conclusion, the addition of grape products in the diet of laying hens improved the egg quality but reduced feed intake and egg weight. Dietary grape pomace showed higher antioxidant potential in egg yolk than grape extract.
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