La producción del espacio amazónico a través de los proyectos de desarrollo en Bolivia, Brasil y Colombia (2003-2017) : extractivismo, conflictos y pospolitización de la naturaleza en la periferia de la ecología-mundo
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Durante los últimos años ha cobrado gran relevancia el estudio de los impactos que ha tenido el ciclo de auge de precios en las materias primas o commodities en la primera década del siglo XXI en América Latina en particular. Este fenómeno se ha estudiado desde distintas perspectivas políticas, jurídicas, económicas y sociales; así como medioambientales dada la fuerte dependencia del modelo extractivista asociado a estos ciclos. Al mismo tiempo, otros ejes vinculados a las políticas de conservación medioambiental, junto a la implementación de políticas públicas para la mitigación y adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático, han ido ganando mayor relevancia tanto en las agendas de instituciones locales, nacionales como globales; independientemente del grado de desarrollo y de su pertenencia al centro o a la periferia del sistema mundial. Dentro de ese marco, este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo para establecer hasta qué punto este periodo ha aumentado el grado de dependencia de los países latinoamericanos a través de la reprimarización de sus economías o si por el contrario ha existido una agencia propia a la hora de llevar a cabo modelos heterodoxos de desarrollo, compatibilizados en mayor medida con los objetivos medioambientalistas dados en el contexto de la pospolitización de la naturaleza, influyendo este en mayor o menor medida. Para ello, se han seleccionado tres estudios de caso (Bolivia, Brasil y Colombia) por dos razones fundamentales...
During the last years, the study of the impacts of commodity prices boom cycle within 21st century first decade in Latin America has acquired great relevance. This phenomenon has been studied from different political, legal, economic, and social gazes as well as environmentally due to the significant dependence on the extractivist model linked with these cycles. Meanwhile, other axes regarding environmental conservation policies, as well as the implementation of public policies for mitigation and adaptation to the climate change effects have acquired a greater relevance for the political agendas from local, national and global institutions regardless of the degree of development and their position within the center or periphery of the world system. Through this framework, this study has been carried out to establish in what sense this period has increased the degree of dependence of Latin American states through the reprimarization of their economies or if on the contrary there has been an agency of their own to deploy heterogeneous development models, more compatible with the environmental objectives given in the context of the post-politicization of nature, influenced by it in a wider or limited extension. For this, three cases (Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia) have been selected due to two fundamental reasons...
During the last years, the study of the impacts of commodity prices boom cycle within 21st century first decade in Latin America has acquired great relevance. This phenomenon has been studied from different political, legal, economic, and social gazes as well as environmentally due to the significant dependence on the extractivist model linked with these cycles. Meanwhile, other axes regarding environmental conservation policies, as well as the implementation of public policies for mitigation and adaptation to the climate change effects have acquired a greater relevance for the political agendas from local, national and global institutions regardless of the degree of development and their position within the center or periphery of the world system. Through this framework, this study has been carried out to establish in what sense this period has increased the degree of dependence of Latin American states through the reprimarization of their economies or if on the contrary there has been an agency of their own to deploy heterogeneous development models, more compatible with the environmental objectives given in the context of the post-politicization of nature, influenced by it in a wider or limited extension. For this, three cases (Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia) have been selected due to two fundamental reasons...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, leída el 18-10-2024