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Data: Degradation rate control issues of PEO-coated wrought Mg0.5Zn0.2Ca alloy

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Bioactive plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings were developed on a wrought Mg0.5Zn0.2Ca alloy using a transparent electrolyte for easy maintenance and waste disposal, compared to a conventional suspension-based solution. Treatment times of 300, 600, and 900 s were evaluated for their effects on coating morphology, composition, and corrosion resistance. A short-time electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) screening was utilized to identify coatings with optimal corrosion protection. To assess the degradation rate and corrosion mechanisms, hydrogen evolution was monitored under pH-controlled quasi-in vivo conditions over extended immersion periods. Coating thickness increased by only 3% from 300 to 900 s of treatment (13 and 18 µm, respectively), with pore bands formed near the barrier layer at 900 s. The short-term EIS screening revealed that the coatings produced at 600 and 900 s were less protective and consistent than those at 300 s due to the presence of pore bands, which increased permeability. Hydrogen evolution measurements during 5 days of immersion at pH 7.4 indicated a tenfold higher degradation rate of the PEO-coated alloy compared to the bare substrate. Therefore, none of the PEO coatings provided effective corrosion protection after 24 h of immersion, which is attributed to crack formation at the PEO/corrosion products interface. This highlights the importance of crevices in the corrosion of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys. The presence of ZnO exacerbates the corrosion of magnesium in crevice areas.

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Data for paper entitled, “Degradation rate control issues of PEO-coated wrought Mg0.5Zn0.2Ca alloy” including: - Processed Data: Rms current-time responses, Specific energy consumption vs treatment time, X-ray diffraction patterns for substrate and PEO coatings at different treatment time, Polarization curves as a function of treatment time, Module of the impedance at 0.01 Hz (log scale), Nyquist and Bode curves as a function of treatment time, Hydrogen evolution curves vs time. - Processed Images: SEM of substrate, SEM of PEO coatings, SEM after H2 evolution test - Tables (processed data)

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