Caracterización fisicoquímica y estudio del fitoplancton de las Lagunas de Horna (Getafe)
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Diferentes actividades mineras han originado diversos humedales artificiales en el sur de la Comunidad de Madrid y un ejemplo de ello es el complejo lagunar de las Lagunas de Horna, enclavadas en una antigua explotación de yesos. Se han estudiado en primavera, otoño e invierno las 4 lagunas de este complejo a nivel fisicoquímico y químico para conocer la dinámica del humedal en su conjunto y caracterizar cada una de las cubetas. Una de las lagunas más naturalizada presenta una singularidad peculiar durante periodos de estiaje, pues la lámina de agua se divide en dos cubetas secundarias totalmente aisladas. Esto, además de variar las condiciones fisicoquímicas y químicas del agua, influye sobre las comunidades de fitoplancton analizadas, demostrando que un humedal artificial puede llegar a ser complejo.
Different mining activities have created diverse artificial wetlands in the south of the Community of Madrid and an example is the “Lagunas de Horna” wetland complex located in a former gypsum mining site. The four ponds of this complex have been studied in spring, autumn, and winter through physicochemical and chemical analyses to understand the dynamics of the entire wetland and characterize each of the basins. One of the most naturalized ponds presents a peculiar singularity during the dry season: the water layer is divided into two completely isolated secondary basins. Therefore, the physicochemical and chemical conditions of the water vary and influence the analyzed phytoplankton communities, demonstrating that an artificial wetland can become complex.
Different mining activities have created diverse artificial wetlands in the south of the Community of Madrid and an example is the “Lagunas de Horna” wetland complex located in a former gypsum mining site. The four ponds of this complex have been studied in spring, autumn, and winter through physicochemical and chemical analyses to understand the dynamics of the entire wetland and characterize each of the basins. One of the most naturalized ponds presents a peculiar singularity during the dry season: the water layer is divided into two completely isolated secondary basins. Therefore, the physicochemical and chemical conditions of the water vary and influence the analyzed phytoplankton communities, demonstrating that an artificial wetland can become complex.