Pertenencia. Una aproximación sistemática al problema del sujeto en la modernidad política
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El título de la presente tesis doctoral es: Pertenencia. Una aproximación sistemática al problema del sujeto en la modernidad política. Su objetivo principal es elaborar un marco teórico que permita comprender cuál es el significado de la pertenencia como principio de formación de la subjetividad política con el propósito de proporcionar una base desde la que abordar las cuestiones relativas a la determinación del marco en el que deben tener lugar las relaciones de justicia. Se aspira, pues, a establecer un prolegómeno a las discusiones normativas en torno a la pertenencia...
The title of this doctoral tesis is: Belonging. A systematic approach to the problem of the subject in political modernity. Its main objective is to elaborate a theoretical framework for understanding the meaning of belonging as a principle of formation of political subjectivity in order to provide a basis from which to address questions concerning the determination of the framework in which relations of justice should take place. The aim is thus to provide a prolegomenon to normative discussions about membership...
The title of this doctoral tesis is: Belonging. A systematic approach to the problem of the subject in political modernity. Its main objective is to elaborate a theoretical framework for understanding the meaning of belonging as a principle of formation of political subjectivity in order to provide a basis from which to address questions concerning the determination of the framework in which relations of justice should take place. The aim is thus to provide a prolegomenon to normative discussions about membership...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía, leída el 12/06/2024