Clientelismo, redes políticas y conflicto armado en Colombia : el caso del departamento del Cesar 1967-2007
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Este trabajo se propone comprender las transformaciones del clientelismo en la historia política colombiana desde el análisis de sus rupturas y continuidades. Para ello parte de la consideración de este fenómeno como un conjunto de prácticas y de significados que si bien son un remanente de formas tradicionales de relacionamiento público, han sido la fórmula a través de la cual el sistema político colombiano ha mantenido su legitimidad. La intención académica es la de observar un fenómeno que usualmente ha sido relacionado con la corrupción y el atraso en la modernización de los sistemas políticos y entenderlo desde las lógicas que le subyacen. Más allá de la descripción de los intercambios entre favores por votos que definen la relación clientelista, el propósito es establecer un marco de interpretación que dé luces sobre los valores y los imaginarios que sostienen la pervivencia del fenómeno y contribuyen a legitimar un sistema político como el colombiano, caracterizado por su estrechez, exclusión y crisis permanente.
This work aims to understand the transformations of clientelism in Colombian political history from the analysis of its ruptures and continuities. To do this, it starts from the consideration of this phenomenon as a set of practices and meanings that, although they are a remnant of traditional forms of public relations, have been the formula through which the Colombian political system has maintained its legitimacy. The academic intention is to observe a phenomenon that has usually been related to corruption and the delay in the modernization of political systems and understand it from the logic that underlies it. Beyond the description of the exchanges between favors for votes that define the clientelistic relationship, the purpose is to establish a framework of interpretation that explains the values and imaginaries that sustain the survival of the phenomenon and contribute to legitimizing a political system such as the Colombian, characterized by its narrowness, exclusion and permanent crisis.
This work aims to understand the transformations of clientelism in Colombian political history from the analysis of its ruptures and continuities. To do this, it starts from the consideration of this phenomenon as a set of practices and meanings that, although they are a remnant of traditional forms of public relations, have been the formula through which the Colombian political system has maintained its legitimacy. The academic intention is to observe a phenomenon that has usually been related to corruption and the delay in the modernization of political systems and understand it from the logic that underlies it. Beyond the description of the exchanges between favors for votes that define the clientelistic relationship, the purpose is to establish a framework of interpretation that explains the values and imaginaries that sustain the survival of the phenomenon and contribute to legitimizing a political system such as the Colombian, characterized by its narrowness, exclusion and permanent crisis.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, leída el 26-09-2024