Multiparametric in-situ spectroscopic measuring system for coastal monitoring employed under field conditions in the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea).

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International Society Offshore & Polar Engineers
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A new type of multiparametric optical sensor system for in-situ measurements in seawater was tested under real conditions. Central to the system is an underwater core instrument (CI) which contains light sources and a multichannel spectrometer with CCD detector. The three optical sensors were connected to the instrument via optical fibres: a SERS optode for detection of organic compounds, a dissolved oxygen optode and a salinity sensor. We here present the first results of the sensors of the cruise. During the two week field trial in the Gulf of Gdansk the three different deployment scenarios were performed: stationary measurements, depth profiles and towing experiments. In addition, conventional oceanographic data were measured with commercial probes.
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©2004 International Society Offshore & Polar Engineers. International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) (14ª. 2004. Toulon, Francia).