La revelación de la violencia física en las parejas jóvenes universitarias de Madrid y Seúl: el papel de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La violencia en las parejas de jóvenes universitarios es un hecho contrastado mundialmente. Se caracteriza por tener mayor incidencia que en las parejas casadas y suele ser violencia de carácter leve y mutua. Los estudios disponibles tanto en España como en Corea del Sur confirman los supuestos generales.La literatura científica disponible en trabajo social sobre la revelación de la violencia en el seno de la pareja, pone de manifiesto que es un hecho poco frecuente, no existe un marco teórico consolidado así como que no existe ninguna variable en los distintos sistemas del marco ecológico que explique la revelación de forma universal.Revelar la violencia supone poner de manifiesto la violación de derechos de las mujeres, dimensionar el fenómeno y facilitar la articulación de medidas que prevengan la violencia y atiendan sus efectos en todos los ámbitos...
Dating violence among young university students is a globally reported phenomenon. It is characterised by a higher incidence than that of violence among married couples and tends to be minor and reciprocal. The range of existing data reinforces the idea that violence among intimate partners is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon. The studies available in both Spain and South Korea confirm these general assumptions.The scientific literature available in the social work field regarding disclosure of partner violence demonstrates that it is infrequent. There is no settled theoretical framework, and there is no variable in the theoretical framework that offers a universal explanation of disclosure.Disclosing violence means revealing the violation of women’s rights, establishing the scale of the phenomenon and facilitating the development of measures to prevent violence and address its effects in all areas...
Dating violence among young university students is a globally reported phenomenon. It is characterised by a higher incidence than that of violence among married couples and tends to be minor and reciprocal. The range of existing data reinforces the idea that violence among intimate partners is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon. The studies available in both Spain and South Korea confirm these general assumptions.The scientific literature available in the social work field regarding disclosure of partner violence demonstrates that it is infrequent. There is no settled theoretical framework, and there is no variable in the theoretical framework that offers a universal explanation of disclosure.Disclosing violence means revealing the violation of women’s rights, establishing the scale of the phenomenon and facilitating the development of measures to prevent violence and address its effects in all areas...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 05-11-2018