Bases of the homology spaces of the Hilbert scheme of points in an algebraic surface

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Editorial de la Universidad Complutense
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Fantechi, B., Base of the homology groups of the Hilbert scheme of points on a surface. Preprint. Griffiths, P. and Harris, J., Principles of algebraic geometry. Addison- Wesley, 1977. Gottsche, L., The Betti numbers of the Hilbert scheme of points on a smooth protective surface. Math. Ann. 286 (1993), 235-245. Gottsche, 1. and Soergel, Perverse sheaves find the cohomology oí Hilbert schemes oí smooths algebraic surfaces, math. Ann. 296 (1993), 235-225. Mallavibarrena, R. and SoIs, l., Bases for the homology groups of the Hilbert scheme of points in the planeo Compositio Math. 74 (1990), 169-202.
For a complex surface S , proper, smooth and connected, the authors find two bases of the spaces of rational homology H n (Hilb d S) Q of the Hilbert scheme of subschemes of S of length d . The idea of the proof of the main theorem is to prove that the elements of the two candidates have as cardinalities the known Betti numbers of Hilb d S and to show that both intersect in a triangular matrix of nonzero diagonal entries. Papers on the subject which have a close connection with the present one are by B. Fantechi ["Base of the homology groups of the Hilbert scheme of points on a surface'', Preprint; per bibl.] and L. Göttsche [Math. Ann. 286 (1990), no. 1-3, 193–207 ].
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