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Open Access Institutional Repository of the Complutense University of Madrid, that compiles scientific production to promote the visibility and impact of Complutense research.

With the collaboration of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).


Recent Submissions

Urbanization correlates with the prevalence and richness of blood parasites in Eurasian Blackbirds (Turdus merula)
(Science of The Total Environment, 2024) Figuerola, Jordi; De La Puente, Josué Martínez; Díez Fernández, Alazne; Thomson, Robert L.; Aguirre De Miguel, José Ignacio; Faivre, Bruno; Ibañez Alamo, Juan Diego
Urbanization is increasing worldwide, producing severe environmental impacts. Biodiversity is affected by the expansion of cities, with many species being unable to cope with the different human-induced stressors present in these landscapes. However, this knowledge is mainly based on research from taxa such as plants or vertebrates, while other organisms like protozoa have been less studied in this context. The impact of urbanization on the transmission of vector-borne pathogens in wildlife is still unclear despite its relevance for animal and human health. Here, we investigated whether cities are associated with changes in the prevalence and richness of lineages of three vector-borne protozoans (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon) in Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula) from multiple urban and forest areas in Europe. Our results show important species-specific differences between these two habitat types. We found a significant lower prevalence of Leucocytozoon in urban birds compared to forest birds, but no differences for Plasmodium and Haemoproteus. Furthermore, the richness of parasite lineages in European cities was higher for Plasmodium but lower for Leucocytozoon than in forests. We also found one Plasmodium lineage exclusively from cities while another of Leucocytozoon was only found in forests suggesting a certain level of habitat specialization for these protozoan vectors. Overall, our findings show that cities provide contrasting opportunities for the transmission of different vector-borne pathogens and generate new scenarios for the interactions between hosts, vectors and parasites.
Pertenencia. Una aproximación sistemática al problema del sujeto en la modernidad política
(2025) Fernández-Jardón Álvarez, Francisco de Asís; Jiménez Perona, Ángeles; Velasco Arroyo, Juan Carlos
El título de la presente tesis doctoral es: Pertenencia. Una aproximación sistemática al problema del sujeto en la modernidad política. Su objetivo principal es elaborar un marco teórico que permita comprender cuál es el significado de la pertenencia como principio de formación de la subjetividad política con el propósito de proporcionar una base desde la que abordar las cuestiones relativas a la determinación del marco en el que deben tener lugar las relaciones de justicia. Se aspira, pues, a establecer un prolegómeno a las discusiones normativas en torno a la pertenencia...

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