Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La

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First Name
Raúl De La
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Horra Del Barco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Mid-Albian to earliest Cenomanian climate cycles indicated by humid paleosols developed within the arid braidplain facies of the Utrillas Group of east-central Spain
    (Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023) Bueno Cebollada, Carlos A.; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Barrón López, Eduardo; Fregenal Martínez, María Antonia
    The development of arid climate conditions in eastern Iberia during the mid-Cretaceous (mid-Albian to earliest Cenomanian) has been postulated by several authors over the last two decades based on sedimentological and palaeobotanical datasets. In this paper, we present a combined sedimentological and paleosol study of the mid-Albian to earliest Cenomanian Utrillas Group in the Cuenca Basin of east-central Spain, to improve knowledge of palaeoclimate. Four facies associations are identified as follows: Proximal alluvial braidplain (FA I), Distal alluvial braidplain (FA II), Aeolian dunes (FA III), and Inner estuarine settings (FA IV). The succession records the development of a braidplain system under dominantly arid conditions followed by a marine transgressive phase. In contrast to the overall arid palaeoclimate interpretation, multi-proxy palaeoedaphological analyses conducted for three paleosol profiles (Spodosols) indicate the occurrence of periods of increased humidity in the basin. These findings allow us to infer the occurrence of shorter-term climatic oscillations characterised by a tropical savanna climate when the palaeosols developed, suggesting significantly more humid conditions than those inferred based on the sedimentological and previous palaeobotanical datasets. We propose a palaeoclimatic model that explains the alternation between the dominantly arid and these more humid periods based on the cyclical latitudinal shifting of the mid-Cretaceous climatic belts, shedding new light on the mid-Albian to earliest Cenomanian climate of Iberia.
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    Permian-Triassic continental rocks of the SE Iberian Ranges: Architecture, tectonics and geochemical characteristics in the context of a rift basin
    (2011) López Gómez, Julián; Arche, A.; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Galán-Abellán, B.; Fernández Barrenechea, José María
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    Mineralogía del tránsito Pérmico-Triásico en sedimentos continentales del SE de la cordillera Ibérica: implicaciones paleoambientales
    (Macla, 2004) Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Rodas González, Magdalena; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; López Fraguas, Francisco Javier; Alonso Azcárate, J.; Arche Miralles, Alfredo; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La
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    Protocol for assessing the effectiveness of protective coatings for roofing slate
    (Materiales de construcción, 2007) Cárdenes, Víctor; García Guinea, Javier; Monterroso Martínez, María del Carmen; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La
    Spain is a world-wide leader in roofing slate production, quarriying more than 600,000 tons of slate of great quality and generating around 300 euros million in sales each year. However, an enormous quantity of slate plates is considered as a low quality product or discarded every year as waste. The application of protective products on roofing slate tiles helps to commercialise slate with higher oxidation rates, reducing wastes and environmental problems. The present protocol serves to evaluate the new protective products that are now used by slate producers. A combination of three technological tests is proposed here, along with a visual questionnaire to grant quality indices. Each test is oriented to clarify critical properties for the future use of the roofing slate, as follows: (i) Thermal cycles were used to determine the oxidation rate of iron sulphides; (ii) Slate behaviour in acid urban atmospheres was interpreted by exposition of slate tiles to SO2 gas; (iii) Effectiveness of the protective layer under saline corrosion and solar radiation was obtained by exposition to saline fog and UV-irradiation.
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    Characterization of the Carnian Pluvial Episode in the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco): An approach based on sedimentology, clay mineralogy and paleosols
    (Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023) Tourani, A.; Benaouiss, N; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Gallego, O. F.; López Gómez, J.; Bourquin, S.
    We report on a multi-proxy study of the Carnian Pluvial Episode in the continental Argana Basin (Morocco) based on mineralogy, geochemistry, paleosols and sedimentary features. The study focus on two sections of the Irohalene Member (unit t5) of the Timezgadiouine Formation dated as late Julian-early Tuvalian through clam shrimp (conchostracan) associations. The sedimentary study of the Irohalene Member defines three parts: lower, middle and upper (t5.1, t5.2, t5.3 respectively). The base of the lower part comprises channels with gravel and sandy bars related to proximal areas, and fluvial meandering systems, overbank and floodplain deposits developing upwards. Extensive floodplains showing the development of siliciclastic and carbonate lakes mostly represent the t5.2 and t5.3 parts, although the sedimentary characteristics of the former reflect more humid and permanent water conditions. These more humid characteristics are also indicated by the drastic change from calcareous paleosols in t5.1 to smectitic Vertisols in t5.2, which occur in relation to thin layers of lacustrine carbonates, greenish lutites, and hybrid oolitic sandstones of palustrine environments. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data are consistent with a general tendency towards the arid conditions observed in the Tadart Ouadou t6 Member of the Bigoudine Formation, of fluvial-eolian origin and younger in age. This general tendency is interrupted by at least two humid yet hot intervals characterized by pedogenic carbonates featuring lighter isotope compositions and lacustrine carbonates precipitated under conditions of high temperatures and evaporation rates.
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    Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes during the continental Middle–Late Permian transition at the SE Iberian Ranges, Spain
    (Global and planetary change, 2012) Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; López Gómez, José; Sheldon, N.D.; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier; Arche, Alfredo; Benito Moreno, María Isabel
    The Middle and Late Permian are characterized by a pair of mass-extinction events that are recorded in both marine and continental environments. Here, we present the first continental western peri-Tethyan record of an extinction event located in the Middle–Late interval. In the SE Iberian Ranges, Central Spain, the transition between the Lower and Middle subunits of the Middle Permian Alcotas Formation indicates a significant paleoclimatic change from arid and semiarid conditions towards more humid conditions. Coincident with the onset of humid conditions there were changes in the sedimentology, mineralogy, and geochemistry that indicate significant environmental changes including a shift in weathering intensity and a change of fluvial style from braided to meandering systems. Near the top of the Middle Subunit, a local biotic crisis is recorded by palynomorph assemblages. Following this crisis, there is a total absence of coal beds, plant remains, and microflora that defines a barren zone in the uppermost part of the Alcotas Formation which is recorded throughout the basin. The barren zone is accompanied by a shift back to braided stream systems, but not by a return to carbonate-bearing paleosols indicative of arid or semi-arid conditions. This combination of features is consistent with other Middle–Late continental basins related with mass extinctions, so the barren zone is interpreted as the extinction interval. The regional character of the extinction interval and its proximity with the Middle–Late Permian transition could be related with the global mid-Capitanian biotic turnover described in this period of time in other marine basins. However, the common difficulties of dating with precision non-marine rocks make this relationship difficult to probe in the Iberian Basin and in other Middle– Late Permian basins. Further work, including high resolution carbon-isotope analyses and complete studies of the magnetostratigraphy, should be desirable in order to obtain a better age constraint and to produce reliable comparisons with marine sections.
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    Palynological and sedimentological implications of the sauropterygian Upper Triassic site of El Atance (Central Iberian Peninsula)
    (Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 2021) García Ávila, Manuel; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Miguel Chaves, Carlos de; Juncal, Manuel A.; Pérez García, Adán; Ortega, Francisco; Diez, José B.
    This study presents new palynological and sedimentological data concerning the Upper Triassic outcrop El Atance (Guadalajara province, Spain). This fossil site has provided a unique and unprecedented concentration of reptile skeletons from the Late Triassic in the Iberian Peninsula, which are almost complete, articulated and preserved in three dimensions. It is the type locality of the simosaurid nothosauroid Paludidraco multidentatus and the henodontid placodont Parahenodus atancensis, being the only species of these clades represented with some certainty in the Iberian record. Although these reptiles are often linked to shallow marine environments, little is known about the sedimentary environment where they became fossilized. Furthermore, to compare these remains with those from other areas of Europe, greater precision in their age assignment is necessary. The new palynological data provided in this study allows us to assign a precise age, in addition to other data such as a probable plant community, palaeoecology, and palaeoclimatic conditions. This information together with the geological and sedimentological data and the new isolated sauropterygian remains studied, allow a better understanding of the local palaeogeography and the evolutionary history of the vertebrates found in the El Atance fossil site.
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    Palynostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Eslida Formation, SE Iberian Ranges, Spain
    (Palynology, 2018) Juncal Rosales, Manuel Antonio; Diez, José B.; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; Borruel Abadía, Violeta; Fernández Barrenechea, José María
    The Triassic record in the SE Iberian Ranges starts with two tecto-sedimentary units of continental origin in Buntsandstein facies: and Cañizar and Eslida Formations. The Eslida Formation always lies conformably on top of the Cañizar Formation and it grades upwards into overlying coastal mud flats, traditionally assigned to the Röt facies. In the past, accurate dating of the Eslida Formation was problematic because of its continental character, absence of datable fossil remains, and lithological similarities with Middle–Upper Permian rocks. Macroflora and fossilised vertebrate footprints in the Eslida Formation indicate an Anisian age (Middle Triassic). In this work, we date the Eslida Formation on the basis of a palynological assemblage. The precise dating of the Eslida Formation is essential in order to establish stratigraphical correlations with other units in the Iberian Ranges and to obtain palaeogeographical considerations on the rapid subsidence represented by the sedimentary record of this unit in the new NNE–SSE Middle Triassic rift developed in eastern Iberia.
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    Project number: 240
    Realidad Virtual Inmersiva: recorridos virtuales y modelos geológicos 3D para docencia y transferencia del conocimiento sobre materiales geológicos para Grados de Ciencias de la Tierra
    (2023) Herrero Fernández, María Josefa; Escavy Fernández, José Ignacio; Fregenal Martínez, María Antonia; Galindo Aries, Rubén; Garcia Espino, Ana María; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Morellón Marteles, Mario; López Acevedo, Francisco Javier; Ortiz Menendez, José Eugenio; Pérez Fortes, Ana Patricia; Saez Fernández, Miguel; Sánchez Moya, Yolanda; Sánchez Pastor, Nuria; Santiesteban Navarro, Juan ignacio; Varas Muriel, María josefa
    El principal objetivo de este proyecto era obtener la inmersión de alumnado en prácticas de campo mediante realidad virtual (RV) y la utilización de Modelos 3D de distintos afloramientos y muestras rocosas. Ambos materiales son utilizados en docencia mediante tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs). Los recorridos de realidad virtual (VR) y los modelos-3D de material geológico crean un entorno inmersivo y realista para fomentar el aprendizaje de los alumnos (Herrero et al., 2022), y sirven como guía para realizar las mismas observaciones que se harían en la realidad, y ofrecen una alternativa rentable y sin riesgos: ofrecen oportunidades únicas para incorporar actividades y características que no están disponibles en el campo y ofrecen un recurso de aprendizaje más integrado y flexible, de forma que se facilita una comprensión integral del entorno a la vez que se observan características particulares
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    Project number: 278
    Realidad extendida: recorridos virtuales y modelos geológicos 3D para asignaturas de Grados de Ciencias de la Tierra
    (2022) Herrero Fernández, María Josefa; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Escavy Fernández, José Ignacio; Fregenal Martínez, María Antonia; Galindo Aires, Rubén; López Acevedo, Francisco Javier; Morellón Marteles, Mario; Menéndez Pidal, Ignacio; Ortiz Menéndez, José Eugenio; Pérez Fortes, Ana Patricia; Sánchez Moya, Yolanda; Sanz de Ojeda, Joaquín; Sanz Pérez, Eugenio; Trigos Luque, Laura; Varas Muriel, María José
    Salidas de campo virtuales, modelos 3D, dron y videos 360º. Recorridos en realidad virtual (RV): simulación generada por ordenador de una imagen o entorno tridimensional. Se interactúa de forma aparentemente real mediante equipamiento electrónico. El uso de las salidas de campo virtuales y los materiales 3D mediante TICs tanto en ordenadores como en dispositivos móviles permiten abordar limitaciones de tiempo y espacio en entornos de aprendizaje diversos, posibilitando contenidos didácticos que son inaccesibles de otro modo y permite que haya una continuidad fuera del aula. Con el uso de las TICs también se complementa la formación por medio de la adquisición de habilidades y competencias tecnológicas