Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel

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Luis Miguel
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Sánchez Brea
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
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    Dual self-image technique for beam collimation
    (Journal of optics, 2016) Herrera Fernández, José María; Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Torcal Milla, Francisco José; Morlanes Calvo, Tomás; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    We propose an accurate technique for obtaining highly collimated beams, which also allows testing the collimation degree of a beam. It is based on comparing the period of two different self-images produced by a single diffraction grating. In this way, variations in the period of the diffraction grating do not affect to the measuring procedure. Self-images are acquired by two CMOS cameras and their periods are determined by fitting the variogram function of the self-images to a cosine function with polynomial envelopes. This way, loss of accuracy caused by imperfections of the measured self-images is avoided. As usual, collimation is obtained by displacing the collimation element with respect to the source along the optical axis. When the period of both self-images coincides, collimation is achieved. With this method neither a strict control of the period of the diffraction grating nor a transverse displacement, required in other techniques, are necessary. As an example, a LED considering paraxial approximation and point source illumination is collimated resulting a resolution in the divergence of the beam of σ φ = ± μrad.
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    Correlation technique for the compensation of diffraction widening of optical reference signals
    (Journal of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 2009) Saez Landete, José; Alonso Fernández, José; Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Morlanes Calvo, Tomás; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    Two-grating measurement systems are routinely employed for high-resolution measurements of angular and linear displacement. Usually, these systems incorporate zero reference codes (ZRCs) to obtain a zero reference signal (ZRS), which is used as a stage-homing signal. This signal provides absolute information of the position to the otherwise relative information provided by the two-grating incremental subsystems. A zero reference signal is commonly obtained illuminating the superposition of two identical pseudorandom codes and registering the transmitted light by means of a photodiode. To increase the resolution of the system, a reduction of the grating period and the ZRC widths is required. Due to this reduction, the diffractive effects produce a widening of the ZRS and, in turn, a loss of the measuring accuracy. In this work, we propose a method to narrow the distorted signal obtained with a Lau-based encoder, reinstating the accuracy of the ZRS. The method consists of the inclusion of a correlation mask on the detector. A theoretical model to design the mask has been developed, and experimental results have been obtained that validate the proposed technique.
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    Optoelectronic device for the measurement of the absolute linear position in the micrometric displacement range
    (Materials, Devices, and Applications, 2005) Morlanes Calvo, Tomás; Peña, José Luis de la; Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Alonso Fernández, José; Crespo Vázquez, Daniel; Saez Landete, José; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio; Badenes, Goncal; Abbott, Derek; Serpenguzel, Ali
    In this work, an optoelectronic device that provides the absolute position of a measurement element with respect to a pattern scale upon switch-on is presented. That means that there is not a need to perform any kind of transversal displacement after the startup of the system. The optoelectronic device is based on the process of light propagation passing through a slit. A light source with a definite size guarantees the relation of distances between the different elements that constitute our system and allows getting a particular optical intensity profile that can be measured by an electronic post-processing device providing the absolute location of the system with a resolution of 1 micron. The accuracy of this measuring device is restricted to the same limitations of any incremental position optical encoder.
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    Collimation method using a double grating system
    (Applied Optics, 2010) Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Torcal Milla, Francisco José; Salgado Remacha, Francisco Javier; Morlanes Calvo, Tomás; Jiménez Castillo, Isidoro; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    We present a collimation technique based on a double grating system to locate with high accuracy an emitter in the focal plane of a lens. Talbot self-images are projected onto the second grating producing moiré interferences. By means of two photodetectors positioned just behind the second grating, it is possible to determine the optimal position of the light source for collimation by measuring the phase shift between the signals over the two photodetectors. We obtain mathematical expressions of the signal in terms of defocus. This allows us to perform an automated technique for collimation. In addition, a simple and accurate visual criterion for collimating a light source using a lens is proposed. Experimental results that corroborate the proposed technique are also presented.
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    Near-field diffraction of chirped gratings
    (Optics letters, 2016) Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Torcal Milla, Francisco José; Morlanes Calvo, Tomás
    In this Letter, we analyze the near-field diffraction pattern produced by chirped gratings. An intuitive analytical interpretation of the generated diffraction orders is proposed. Several interesting properties of the near-field diffraction pattern can be determined, such as the period of the fringes and its visibility. Diffraction orders present different widths and also, some of them present focusing properties. The width, location, and depth of focus of the converging diffraction orders are also determined. The analytical expressions are compared to numerical simulation and experimental results, showing a high agreement.