Morales Gómez, Patricia

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Morales Gómez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Nutrición y Bromatología
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
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    Potential Health Claims of Durum and Bread Wheat Flours as Functional Ingredients
    (Nutrients, 2020) Ciudad Mulero, María; Barros, Lillian; Fernandes, Ângela; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Callejo, Mª Jesús; Matallana González, María Cruz; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Morales Gómez, Patricia; Carrillo Becerril, José María
    Wheat is an important cereal with a key role in human nutrition. In this study, dietary fiber (DF) and arabinoxylans of different durum (Triticum turgidum ssp. Durum L.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat flours were analyzed in order to point out their potential nutritional and health claims allege according to the current European regulation (Regulation (EU) No 432/2012). Moreover, other bioactive compounds (phenolics and tocopherols) were quantified as a first approach to their phytochemical composition in the analyzed wheat varieties. DF was analyzed following AOAC enzymatic-gravimetric methods; arabinoxylans and total phenols were quantified by colorimetric methods; tocopherols were determined by HPLC; antioxidant activity was evaluated using three different in vitro assays. Insoluble DF was the prevailing fraction in all analyzed samples. Water extractable arabinoxylans were higher in durum wheat flours. Whole flours contained higher total phenolics compounds. Alpha-tocopherol was the major isoform. Whole flours showed higher antioxidant properties. According to the obtained results, it is possible to allege all approved health claims referred to wheat, since all analyzed samples, especially whole flour and bran fraction, showed potential health benefits, as functional ingredients or functional foods, related with their phytochemical composition.
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    Natural Sources of Food Colorants as Potential Substitutes for Artificial Additives
    (2023) Vega N., Erika; Ciudad Mulero, María; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Lillian, Barros; Morales Gómez, Patricia
    In recent years, the demand of healthier food products and products made with natural ingredients has increased overwhelmingly, led by the awareness of human beings of the influence of food on their health, as well as by the evidence of side effects generated by different ingredients such as some additives. This is the case for several artificial colorants, especially azo colorants, which have been related to the development of allergic reactions, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. All the above has focused the attention of researchers on obtaining colorants from natural sources that do not present a risk for consumption and, on the contrary, show biological activity. The most representative compounds that present colorant capacity found in nature are anthocyanins, anthraquinones, betalains, carotenoids and chlorophylls. Therefore, the present review summarizes research published in the last 15 years (2008–2023) in different databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and ScienceDirect) encompassing various natural sources of these colorant compounds, referring to their obtention, identification, some of the efforts made for improvements in their stability and their incorporation in different food matrices. In this way, this review evidences the promising path of development of natural colorants for the replacement of their artificial counterparts.
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    Project number: PIMCD101/23-24
    Aplicación de los hilos de Twitter como recurso de innovación docente en la comunicación escrita sobre ciencia de los alimentos
    (2024) Fernández Tomé, Samuel; Cámara Hurtado, María De La Montaña; Matallana González, María Cruz; Sánchez Mata, María De Cortes; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Morales Gómez, Patricia; García Herrera, Patricia; Arranz Gutiérrez, Elena María; Cámara Hurtado, Rosa María; Ciudad Mulero, María; Domínguez Díaz, Laura; Cebadera Miranda, María Elena; Niño Vega, Erika; Tamayo Vives, Cristina; González Zamorano, Lorena; Fernández Tomé, Samuel
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    A review of foods of plant origin as sources of vitamins with proven activity in oxidative stress prevention according to EFSA scientific evidence
    (Molecules, 2023) Ciudad Mulero, María; Domínguez Díaz, Laura; Morales Gómez, Patricia; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Cámara Hurtado, María De La Montaña
    Beyond their nutritional benefits, vitamins could decrease the risk of chronic diseases due to their potent antioxidant capacity. The present work is aimed at reviewing the state of the art regarding (1) the vitamins involved in oxidative stress prevention in accordance with the requirements established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and (2) the foods of plant origin that are sources of those vitamins and have potential benefits against oxidative stress in humans. According to the European regulations based on EFSA scientific evidence, riboflavin, vitamin C, and vitamin E are those vitamins subjected to the approved health claim "contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress". Scientific studies conducted in humans with some natural food sources of riboflavin (almonds, wheat germ, mushrooms, oat bran), vitamin C (guava, kale, black currant, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, orange), and vitamin E (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachio nuts, extra virgin olive oil, dates, rye) have been performed and published in the literature. However, no food of plant origin has obtained a favorable EFSA opinion to substantiate the approval of health claims related to its potential properties related to oxidative stress prevention. Further studies (concretely, well-controlled human intervention studies) must be carried out in accordance with EFSA requirements to provide the highest level of scientific evidence that could demonstrate the potential relationship between foods of plant origin and antioxidant capacity. This review could be useful for the scientific community to study the application of health claims referring to the antioxidant capacity potentially exerted by foods of plant origin.
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    Novel gluten-free formulations from lentil flours and nutritional yeast: evaluation of extrusion effect on phytochemicals and non-nutritional factors
    (Food Chemistry, 2020) Ciudad Mulero, María; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Arribas, Claudia; Pedrosa, Mercedes M.; Berrios, José De J.; Pan, James; Morales Gómez, Patricia
    The food industry is increasingly innovating and applying new processing technologies and ingredients to develop novel food products that meet the consumers’ demand. In this study, the effect of extrusion (at 140 °C and 160 °C) was evaluated in different lentil flours formulations enriched with nutritional yeast, in terms of α-galactosides (raffinose, stachyose, verbascose), inositol phosphates (IPs), trypsin inhibitors and lectins content. The content of α-galactosides and IPs was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) was evaluated using a small-scale quantitative assay. The lectin content was analyzed using a haemagglutination assay and a Competitive Indirect Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Extrusion promoted a significant increase, up to 85% in total α-galactosides content. After extrusion, IPs content was significantly decreased and TIA as well as lectins content had a reduction higher than 90%. Extrusion demonstrated to have a beneficial effect by increasing desirable prebiotic compounds and decreasing non-nutritional factors.
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    Project number: 406
    El Podcast como recurso docente virtual en la comunicación sobre alimentación saludable y sostenible
    (2023) Cámara Hurtado, Rosa María; Cámara Hurtado, María De La Montaña; Matallana González, María Cruz; Sánchez Mata, María De Cortes; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Morales Gómez, Patricia; García Herrera, Patricia; Arranz Gutiérrez, Elena María; Fernández Tomé, Samuel; Ciudad Mulero, María; Domínguez Díaz, Laura; Niño Vega, Erika; Tamayo Vives, Cristina; Jaramillo Vivanco, Tatiana
    Las herramientas de comunicación en línea se han convertido en la vía preferida por adultos y jóvenes para el acceso a la información. La situación de pandemia COVID-19 vivida en el año 2020 ha afianzado esta tendencia, y ha supuesto la incorporación de los recursos docentes en línea a la actividad diaria del profesor, ante la permanente situación de incertidumbre sobre la presencialidad total de la enseñanza. Estos recursos docentes en línea y asíncronos son versátiles, y permiten acercar la docencia al alumno en cualquier momento y lugar, además de ser accesibles a través de distintas plataformas disponibles en internet. En el ámbito docente, el Campus Virtual se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental en la docencia universitaria donde el alumno demanda cada vez más contenidos que le permitan alcanzar los conocimientos exigidos. Dentro de las herramientas de comunicación en línea, el Podcast es un medio de comunicación directa en archivo multimedia, en formato de audio, concebido fundamentalmente para ser descargado o escuchado en línea en ordenadores o dispositivos portátiles. En la docencia universitaria, el Podcast puede ser alojado en el Campus Virtual, y su duración puede ser muy variable, ya que la duración se adapta al contenido y sobre todo a las características del receptor de la información, en este caso el alumno. La ventaja de este formato es que el estudiante puede interrumpir y continuar la escucha en el momento en que se encuentre más receptivo para la asimilación del contenido, haciendo más eficiente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de la escucha activa. El Podcast, por tanto, resulta una herramienta educativa innovadora, es sencilla de realizar, y no necesita grandes inversiones para ser ejecutada de forma correcta. Este formato de comunicación permite que se puedan escuchar contenidos relevantes de las asignaturas que cursa el alumno de una manera más cercana y atractiva, completando la docencia impartida por otros métodos.
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    Bioaccessibility of macrominerals and trace elements from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) farmers’ varieties
    (Foods, 2022) Ciudad Mulero, María; Pinela, José; Carvalho, Ana Maria; Barros, Lillian; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Sánchez Mata, María De Cortes; Morales Gómez, Patricia
    Traditional farmers’ varieties of tomato grown under extensive farming techniques are considered delicious and healthy foods and are preferred by local consumers. Tomatoes are an important component of a healthy diet, as they provide essential micronutrients, including minerals, which are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. Given the considerable dietary intake of tomatoes and the scarcity of information about the bioaccessibility of inorganic constituents in this fruit, this study was carried out to evaluate the content and bioaccessibility of minerals (macro-and microelements) in tomato farmers’ varieties widely cultivated in northeastern Portugal homegardens. Among the macroelements, K stood out as the most abundant mineral in the studied varieties, followed by Mg, Ca, and Na. Regarding the microelements, while the yellow tomato had higher concentrations of Fe and Cu, the round tomato had more Zn and Mn. The in vitro bioaccessibility assessment showed that, among the macroelements, Mg was more bioaccessible than Ca and K when all the tomato varieties were considered together. Among the microelements, Cu seemed to be the most bioaccessible. Although the contribution of a 100 g serving of the studied tomato farmers’ varieties to the dietary reference intakes (DRIs) of minerals is relatively low, this food could contribute to reaching these mineral requirements, as it is included in the diet of most of the population, especially in Mediterranean regions.
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    Wild sweet cherry, strawberry and bilberry as underestimated sources of natural colorants and bioactive compounds with functional properties
    (Food Chemistry, 2023) Vega, Erika N.; Dias, Mª Ines; Tardío, Javier; Molina, María; Pinela, José; Pires, Tânia, C.S.P.; Barros, Lillian; García Herrera, Patricia; Ciudad Mulero, María; Cámara Hurtado, María De La Montaña; Matallana González, María Cruz; Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Morales Gómez, Patricia
    Wild edible fruits, neglected by the development of commercial agriculture, have recently aroused as a good source of natural colorants and bioactive compounds. These novel uses could cover the recent demand for healthier foods with functional properties. Prunus avium, Fragaria vesca and Vaccinium myrtillus wild fruits were characterized by individual anthocyanin profile and color CIELAB parameters, as well as phenolic fraction. In addition, some bioactivities were evaluated. In P. avium cyanidin-O-deoxyhexosyl-pentoside was the representative anthocyanin, in F. vesca pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside and in V. myrtillus delphinidin-O-hexoside. The three wild edible fruits showed interesting antioxidant activity especially in OxHLIA assays. V. myrtillus was the fruit with the best results for the bacterial growth inhibition, while F. vesca with better fungal growth inhibition. These results evidenced the richness of these wild fruits in bioactive compounds and pigments with antioxidant capacity, therefore, their potential use as natural colorants for healthier food products design.
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    Project number: 234
    Generación de recursos audiovisuales español/inglés en abierto para el aprendizaje sobre el análisis sensorial de los alimentos como herramienta para la educación en una alimentación saludable, a través de la metodología APS
    (2022) Fernández Ruiz, Virginia; Cámara Hurtado, María De La Montaña; Matallana González, María Cruz; Sánchez Mata, María De Cortes; Morales Gómez, Patricia; Cámara Hurtado, Rosa María; García Herrera, Patricia; Ciudad Mulero, María; Domínguez Díaz, Laura; Niño Vega, Erika
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    Project number: 282
    Instagram como recurso docente virtual en la enseñanza universitaria
    (2021) García Herrera, Patricia; Sánchez Mata, María De Cortes; Matallana González, María Cruz; Morales Gómez, Patricia; Cámara Hurtado, Rosa María; Cebadera Miranda, María Elena; Ciudad Mulero, María; Domínguez Díaz, Laura; Niño Vega, Erika