González Díaz, Germán

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González Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 35
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    Electronic transport properties of Ti-supersaturated Si processed by rapid thermal annealing or pulsed-laser melting
    (Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2022) Olea Ariza, Javier; González Díaz, Germán; Pastor Pastor, David; García Hemme, Eric; Caudevilla Gutiérrez, Daniel; Algaidy, S; Pérez-Zenteno, F.; Duarte-Cano, S.; García Hernansanz, Rodrigo; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique; Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio
    In the scope of supersaturated semiconductors for infrared detectors, we implanted Si samples with Ti at high doses and processed them by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) to recover the crystal quality. Also, for comparative purposes, some samples were processed by pulsed-laser melting. We measured the electronic transport properties at variable temperatures and analyzed the results. The results indicate that, for RTA samples, surface layers with a high Ti concentration have negligible conductivity due to defects. In contrast, the implantation tail region has measurable conductivity due to very high electron mobility. This region shows the activation of a very shallow donor and a deep donor level. While deep levels have been previously reported for Ti in Si, such a shallow level has never been measured, and we suggest that it originates from Ti-Si complexes. Finally, a decoupling effect between the implanted layer and the substrate seems to be present, and a bilayer model is applied to fit the measured properties. The fitted parameters follow the Meyer–Neldel rule. The role of the implantation tails in Si supersaturated with Ti is revealed in this work.
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    A robust method to determine the contact resistance using the van der Pauw set up
    (Measurement, 2017) González Díaz, Germán; Pastor, D.; García Hemme, Eric; Montero, Daniel; García Hernansanz, Rodrigo; Olea Ariza, Javier; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique; Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio
    The van der Pauw method to calculate the sheet resistance and the mobility of a semiconductor is a pervasive technique both in the microelectronics industry and in the condensed matter science field. There are hundreds of papers dealing with the influence of the contact size, nonuniformities and other second order effects. In this paper we will develop a simple methodology to evaluate the error produced by finite size contacts, detect the presence of contact resistance, calculate it for each contact, and determine the linear or rectifying behavior of the contact. We will also calculate the errors produced by the use of voltmeters with finite input resistance in relation with the sample sheet resistance.
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    Annealing effects on the interface and insulator properties of plasma-deposited Al/SiOxNyHz/Si devices
    (Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2004) Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique; Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; Kliefoth, K.; Füssel, W.
    We have studied and compared the effects of conventional annealing in a forming gas atmosphere (430 degreesC, 20 min) and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in an inert Ar atmosphere (400-1000 degreesC, 30 s) on Al/SiOxNyHz/Si devices. The samples were deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method at low temperature (T = 200 degreesC). The devices were characterized by surface photovoltage measurements before applying contacts and by capacitance-voltage measurements. All the as-deposited samples containing N had positive flat-band voltage, which corresponds to negative charge in the insulator and/or in the interface states (Q(INS)). Additionally, trapping of positive charge is observed when measuring from inversion to accumulation after measuring from accumulation to inversion. This behaviour is tentatively attributed to the presence of defects related to N, such as the K centre (N-3=Siup arrow) or the N dangling bond (Si-2=Nup arrow), which may be present in a negatively charged state. For samples of SiO2 composition, with a negligible N content, Q(INS) is positive. High densities of interface states (D-it), above 10(12) eV(-1) cm(-2), are observed in the as-deposited samples. Both the annealing in a forming gas atmosphere and the RTA result in the change of the sign of Q(INS) from negative to positive and a decrease of its absolute value, as well as a decrease of D-it of about one order of magnitude. The trapping of positive charge is also greatly reduced. These improvements of the electrical properties are attributed to the passivation of defects by H present in the forming gas atmosphere or in the SiOxNyHz film itself in a non-bonded state. For RTA temperatures above 700 degreesC the properties of the devices degrade due to the release of H. The combination of RTA and annealing in a forming gas atmosphere results in the best properties.
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    A comparative study of the electrical properties of TiO2 films grown by high-pressure reactive sputtering and atomic layer deposition
    (Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2005) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    Oxide-semiconductor interface quality of high-pressure reactive sputtered (HPRS) TiO2 films annealed in O-2 at temperatures ranging from 600 to 900 degrees C, and atomic layer deposited (ALD) TiO2 films grown at 225 or 275 degrees C from TiCl4 or Ti(OC2H5)(4), and annealed at 750 degrees C in O-2, has been studied on silicon substrates. Our attention has been focused on the interfacial state and disordered-induced gap state densities. From our results, HPRS films annealed at 900 degrees C in oxygen atmosphere exhibit the best characteristics, with D-it density being the lowest value measured in this work (5-6 x 10(11) cm(-2) eV(-1)), and undetectable conductance transients within our experimental limits. This result can be due to two contributions: the increase of the SiO2 film thickness and the crystallinity, since in the films annealed at 900 degrees C rutile is the dominant crystalline phase, as revealed by transmission electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. In the case of annealing in the range of 600-800 degrees C, anatase and rutile phases coexist. Disorder-induced gap state (DIGS) density is greater for 700 degrees C annealed HPRS films than for 750 degrees C annealed ALD TiO2 films, whereas 800 degrees C annealing offers DIGS density values similar to ALD cases. For ALD films, the studies clearly reveal the dependence of trap densities on the chemical route used.
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    A comparative study of anodic tantalum pentoxide and high-pressure sputtered titanium oxide
    (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2003) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    In this work we present a new method to fabricate improved TiO2 films by using a high-pressure sputtering system. In order to minimize the damage induced in the substrate surface by the ion bombardment, a high chamber pressure of 100 Pa is used, which is very much higher than typical values in conventional systems. We present results obtained by Xray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy. Moreover, we will compare the properties of the resulting TiO2-insulator-metal capacitors with those of anodic Ta2O5. Very thin films of TiO2 have been obtained with a very promising quality for future electron device fabrication.
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    Bonding configuration and density of defects of SiOxHy thin films deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method
    (Journal of Applied Physics, 2003) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    The composition, bonding configuration, hydrogen content, and paramagnetic defects of SiOxHy thin films were studied. Films were deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method at room temperature using SiH4 and O-2 as precursor gases. The film composition was measured by heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Suboxide films with compositions ranging from SiO2 to SiH0.38 were obtained. Infrared spectroscopy showed the presence of different Si-O and Si-H vibration modes. The usual estimation of the oxygen to silicon ratio by the wave number of the Si-O-Si stretching band was not accurate for films far from stoichiometry. These off-stoichiometric films also showed a broader Si-O-Si stretching peak than the stoichiometric ones, indicating a higher bonding disorder. The position of the Si-O-Si bending and rocking modes did not depend on the film composition. On the other hand, the peak position of the Si-H modes were found strongly dependent on the Si environment. By single-wavelength ellipsometry at lambda=632.8 nm the refractive index n was found to range between 1.45 (SiO2) and 2.04 (SiO0.06H0.36). Electron spin resonance measurements showed that stoichiometric films presented the well known E' center (.Siequivalent toO(3)) with concentrations in the 10(16)-10(17) cm(-3) range, while for Si-rich films (x<1) the Si dangling bond center (Si-DB, .Siequivalent toSi(3)) was the only detectable defect, with concentrations in the 10(18)-10(19) cm(-3) range. In near-stoichiometric films both E-' and Si-DB centers were found.
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    Bonding structure and hydrogen content in silicon nitride thin films deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method
    (Thin Solid Films, 2004) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    The bonding structure and hydrogen content of amorphous hydrogenated silicon nitride (a-SiNx:H) thin films have been investigated by infrared spectroscopy and ion beam techniques. Electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was used to produce these films under different values of gas flow ratio, deposition temperature, and microwave power. The amount of bonded hydrogen was calculated from the N-H and Si-H infrared absorption bands. An increase of the SiH4 partial pressure during deposition was found to have the same effect on the H content as an increase of the substrate temperature: both cause a decrease of the N-H bond density and an increase in the number of Si-H bonds. This is explained by a competitive process in the formation of N-H and Si-H bonds during the growth of the film, whereby Si-H bonds are favored at the expense of N-H bonds when either the SiH4 flow or the substrate temperature are increased. Such tendency to chemical order is compared with previous results in which the same behavior was induced by thermal annealing or ion beam bombardment.
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    Microstructural modifications induced by rapid thermal annealing in plasma deposited SiOxNyHz films
    (Journal of Applied Physics, 2003) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    The effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) processes on the structural properties of SiOxNyHz films was investigated. The samples were deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method, using SiH4, O-2 and N-2 as precursor gases. For SiOxNyHz films with composition close to that of SiO2, which have a very low H content, RTA induces thermal relaxation of the lattice and improvement of the structural order. For films of intermediate composition and of compositions close to SiNyHz, the main effect of RTA is the release of H at high temperatures (T>700degreesC). This H release is more significant in films containing both Si-H and N-H bonds, due to cooperative reactions between both kinds of bonds. In these films the degradation of structural order associated to H release prevails over thermal relaxation, while in those films with only N-H bonds, thermal relaxation predominates. For annealing temperatures in the 500-700degreesC range, the passivation of dangling bonds by the nonbonded H in the films and the transition from the paramagnetic state to the diamagnetic state of the K center result in a decrease of the density of paramagnetic defects. The H release observed at high annealing temperatures is accompanied by an increase of density of paramagnetic defects.
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    On the influence of substrate cleaning method and rapid thermal annealing conditions on the electrical characteristics of Al/SiNx/SiO2/Si fabricated by ECR-CVD
    (Microelectronics reliability, 2005) Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique
    We investigate the influence of the used cleaning method and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) conditions on the electrical characteristics of MIS devices based on SiNy:H/SiOx dielectric stack structures fabricated by electron-cyclotron-resonance plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (ECR-CVD). We use capacitance-voltage (C-P) technique to study charge trapped in the insulator, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) to study the trap distributions at the interface, and conductance transient (G-t) technique to determine the energy and geometrical profiles of electrically active defects at the insulator bulk as these defects follow the disorder-induced gap state (DIGS) model.
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    On the Optoelectronic Mechanisms Ruling Ti-hyperdoped Si Photodiodes
    (Advanced electronic materials, 2022) García Hemme, Eric; Caudevilla Gutiérrez, Daniel; Algaidy, Sari; Pérez Zenteno, Francisco José; García Hernansanz, Rodrigo; Olea Ariza, Javier; Pastor Pastor, David; Prado Millán, Álvaro Del; San Andrés Serrano, Enrique; Martil De La Plaza, Ignacio; González Díaz, Germán
    This work deepens the understanding of the optoelectronic mechanisms ruling hyperdoped-based photodevices and shows the potential of Ti hyperdoped-Si as a fully complementary metal-oxide semiconductor compatible material for room-temperature infrared photodetection technologies. By the combination of ion implantation and laser-based methods, approximate to 20 nm thin hyperdoped single-crystal Si layers with a Ti concentration as high as 10(20) cm(-3) are obtained. The Ti hyperdoped Si/p-Si photodiode shows a room temperature rectification factor at +/- 1 V of 509. Analysis of the temperature-dependent current-voltage characteristics shows that the transport is dominated by two mechanisms: a tunnel mechanism at low bias and a recombination process in the space charge region at high bias. A room-temperature sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency (EQE) extending to 2.5 mu m wavelength is obtained. Temperature-dependent spectral photoresponse behavior reveals an increase of the EQE as the temperature decreases, showing a low-energy photoresponse edge at 0.45 eV and a high-energy photoresponse edge at 0.67 eV. Temperature behavior of the open-circuit voltage correlates with the high-energy photoresponse edge. A model is proposed to relate the optoelectronic mechanisms to sub-bandgap optical transitions involving an impurity band. This model is supported by numerical semiconductor device simulations using the SCAPS software.