Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Chinea Trujillo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física Teórica
Física Teórica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Einstein equations in vacuum as integrability conditions
    (Physical review letters, 1984) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    The Einstein equations describing gravitational fields in vacuum are written as a compact exterior system of spinor-valued forms. A second system of equations is given, such that their integrability conditions are satisfied by virtue of the Einstein equations. This suggests the possibility of integrating the field equations by means of an inversetype procedure.
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    Singularity-free space-time
    (Physical review D, 1992) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier; Fernández Jambrina, Leonardo; Senovilla, J. M. M.
    We show that the solution published in the paper by Senovilla [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2219 (1990)] is geodesically complete and singularity-free. We also prove that the solution satisfies the stronger energy and causality conditions, such as global hyperbolicity, the strong energy condition, causal symmetry, and causal stability. A detailed discussion about which assumptions in the singularity theorems are not satisfied is performed, and we show explicitly that the solution is in accordance with those theorems. A brief discussion of the results is given.
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    New first integral for twisting type-N vacuum gravitation fields with two non-commuting Killing vectors
    (Classical and quantum gravity, 1998) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    A new first integral for the equations corresponding to twisting type-N vacuum gravitational fields with two non-commuting Kilting vectors is introduced. A new reduction of the problem to a complex second-order ordinary differential equation is given. Alternatively, the mentioned first integral can be used in order to provide a first integral of the second-order complex equation introduced in a previous treatment of the problem.
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    Differential form approach for stationary axisymmetrical Maxwell fields in general-relativity
    (Classical and quantum gravity, 1994) Fenández Jambrina, L.; Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    A formulation for stationary axisymmetric electromagnetic fields in general relativity is derived by casting them into the form of an anisotropic fluid. Several simplifications of the formalism are carried out in order to analyse different features of the fields, such as the derivation of electromagnetic sources for the Maxwell field in the form of thin layers, construction of new solutions, and generation techniques.
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    Angular momentum surface density of the kerr metric
    (Physical review letters, 1993) Fernández Jambrina, L.; Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    A method for interpreting discontinuities of the twist potential of vacuum stationary axisymmetric solutions of Einstein's equations is introduced. Surface densities for the angular momentum of the source can be constructed after solving a linear partial differential equation with boundary conditions at infinity. This formalism is applied to the Kerr metric, obtaining a regularized version of the density calculated with other formalisms. The main result is that the integral defining the total angular momentum is finite for the Kerr metric.
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    Stationary axisymmetric SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills fields with restricted circularity conditions are Abelian
    (Physical review D, 2002) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier; Navarro Lerida, Francisco
    In this paper we prove that in a stationary axisymmetric SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory the most reasonable circularity conditions that can be considered for the Yang-Mills fields imply in fact that the field is of embedded Abelian type, or else that the metric is not asymptotically flat.
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    Integrability formulation and bäcklund-transformations for gravitational-fields with symmetries
    (Physical review D, 1981) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    The Ernst equation for gravitational fields with a two-parameter isometry group is formulated as a vanishing-curvature condition on an SU(2) or SU(1,1) bundle, both in the elliptic and hyperbolic cases. Bäcklund transformations are introduced as a special case of gauge transformations, and strong Bäcklund transformations are obtained in that context.
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    New backlund-transformations and superposition principle for gravitational-fields with symmetries
    (Physical review letters, 1983) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    Vector Bäcklund transformations which relate solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations having two commuting Killing fields are introduced. Such transformations generalize those found by Pohlmeyer in connection with the nonlinear δ model. A simple algebraic superposition principle, which permits the combination of Bäcklund transforms in order to get new solutions, is given. The superposition preserves the asymptotic flatness condition, and the whole scheme is manisfestly O(2, 1) invariant.
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    Twisting, type-N vacuum gravitational fields with symmetries
    (Physical review D, 1988) Chinea Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    The Einstein field equations for twisting, type-N fields in empty space possessing two noncommuting Killing vectors are reduced to a single second-order ordinary differential equation for a complex function. Alternative forms of this basic equation are also presented; in particular, an appropriate Legendre transform provides a partial linearization, leading to a single real, nonlinear, third-order ordinary differential equation.