Comunidades subsumidas: persistencia y crisis de los vínculos locales de reciprocidad en el Valle medio del Alberche
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La tesis doctoral Comunidades subsumidas. Persistencia y crisis de los vínculos locales de reciprocidad en el Valle medio del Alberche analiza sociológicamente los cambios que los municipios del Valle medio del Alberche (Ávila) experimentaron en las relaciones entre sus habitantes al calor del doble proceso de urbanización y terciarización que acompañó al tránsito del mundo campesino tradicional a la sociedad rural contemporánea. El objeto de estudio es la evolución de las redes de parentesco, comunidad y vecindad desde el año 1940 hasta la actualidad. La investigación se mueve en un terreno híbrido entre la antropología social y la microhistoria. Metodológicamente, se han realizado treinta y cuatro entrevistas a residentes temporales y población autóctona acerca de las transformaciones sociales, económicas y de las pautas de sociabilidad acontecidas en esta comarca. El trabajo se desarrolla en una secuencia de momentos históricos. Los años de la posguerra hasta la crisis de la sociedad agraria tradicional y el éxodo interior, cubren la primera parte. La explosión turístico-inmobiliaria de principios de los setenta hasta la extensión de los valores de la sociedad de consumo entre los alberchanos, comprenden la segunda. El tercer y último bloque está dedicado a las diversas formas de compromiso social que persisten en la actualidad y a los malestares producidos por la pérdida de apoyo social y comunitario. Finalmente, se extraen una serie de conclusiones relevantes para la sociología rural: la aculturación homologante del campesinado, los efectos mentales de la fragilización social, la política agraria de la dictadura de Franco y sus repercusiones locales, etc.
This doctoral thesis Comunidades subsumidas. Persistencia y crisis de los vínculos locales de reciprocidad en el Valle medio del Alberche sociologically analyzes the changes that the municipalities of the middle Alberche Valley (Ávila) experienced in the relations between their inhabitants in the heat of the double process of urbanization and tertiarization that accompanied the transition from the traditional peasant world to the contemporary rural society. The object of study is the evolution of kinship, community and neighborhood networks from 1940 to the present. The research moves in a hybrid ground between social anthropology and microhistory. Methodologically, thirty-four interviews were conducted with temporary residents and the local population about the social and economic transformations and the patterns of sociability that have taken place in this region. The work is developed in a sequence of historical moments. The post-war years up to the crisis of the traditional agrarian society and the interior exodus cover the first part. The tourist-real estate explosion at the beginning of the seventies until the extension of the values of the consumer society among the alberchanos, comprise the second part. The third and last chapter is dedicated to the various forms of social commitment that persist today and to the discomforts produced by the loss of social and community support. Finally, a series of conclusions relevant to rural sociology are drawn: the homologizing acculturation of the peasantry, the mental effects of social fragilization, the agrarian policy of Franco's dictatorship and its local repercussions, etc.
This doctoral thesis Comunidades subsumidas. Persistencia y crisis de los vínculos locales de reciprocidad en el Valle medio del Alberche sociologically analyzes the changes that the municipalities of the middle Alberche Valley (Ávila) experienced in the relations between their inhabitants in the heat of the double process of urbanization and tertiarization that accompanied the transition from the traditional peasant world to the contemporary rural society. The object of study is the evolution of kinship, community and neighborhood networks from 1940 to the present. The research moves in a hybrid ground between social anthropology and microhistory. Methodologically, thirty-four interviews were conducted with temporary residents and the local population about the social and economic transformations and the patterns of sociability that have taken place in this region. The work is developed in a sequence of historical moments. The post-war years up to the crisis of the traditional agrarian society and the interior exodus cover the first part. The tourist-real estate explosion at the beginning of the seventies until the extension of the values of the consumer society among the alberchanos, comprise the second part. The third and last chapter is dedicated to the various forms of social commitment that persist today and to the discomforts produced by the loss of social and community support. Finally, a series of conclusions relevant to rural sociology are drawn: the homologizing acculturation of the peasantry, the mental effects of social fragilization, the agrarian policy of Franco's dictatorship and its local repercussions, etc.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, leída el 13-10-2021