Gli scavi di Pompei nel secolo XVIII: una casa come esempio (VII. 6, 3)

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Alonso-Rodríguez, M.ª C., Luzón-Nogué, J. M.ª (2015) "Gli scavi di Pompei nel secolo XVIII: una casa come esempio (VII. 6, 3)". Pompei e l'Europa 1748-1943. Electa. pp. 19-27
The domus VII, 6, 3 of Pompeii, also known as the House of the Archaistic Diana or the House of Spurius Saturninus and Volcius Modestus, began to be excavated under the supervision of Karl Weber between 1760 and 1761. Located in the ancient Maseria of Irace, the extensive documentation preserved from this initial excavation is essential for reconstructing the working methods developed in the 18th century. After being buried again, the insula was re-excavated in 1910 by Giuseppe Spano and was later bombed in 1943 during the Second World War. However, both excavations and the findings made in them were not correlated until 1976 by Lawrence Richardson and 1995 by Christopher Parslow. In 2007, the Complutense University of Madrid restarted again the research and excavation of domus VII, 6, 3.
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