UV Monochromatic Imaging of the Protoplanetary Nebula Hen 3-1475 Using HST STIS

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Fang, Xuan
Guerrero, Martín
Toalá, Jesús
Balick, Bruce
Riera, Angels
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Fang, X., Guerrero, M., Gómez De Castro, A. I. et al. «UV Monochromatic Imaging of the Protoplanetary Nebula Hen 3-1475 Using HST STIS». Galaxies, vol. 6, n.o 4, diciembre de 2018, p. 141. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies6040141.
Collimated outflows and jets play a critical role in shaping planetary nebulae (PNe), especially in the brief transition from a spherical AGB envelope to an aspherical PN, which is called the protoplanetary nebula (pPN) phase. We present UV observations of Hen 3-1475, a bipolar pPN with fast, highly collimated jets, obtained with STIS on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The deep, low-dispersion spectroscopy enabled monochromatic imaging of Hen 3-1475 in different UV nebular emission lines; this is the first of such attempt ever conducted for a pPN. The northwest inner knot (NW1) is resolved into four components in Mg II λ2800. Through comparison analysis with the HST optical narrowband images obtained 6 yr earlier, we found that these components of NW1 hardly move, despite of a negative gradient of high radial velocities, from −1550 km s−1 on the innermost component to ∼−300 km s−1 on the outermost. These NW1 knot components might thus be quasi-stationary shocks near the tip of the conical outflow of Hen 3-1475.
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