Uvbyβ photometry of active-chromosphere binaries .1. The system TZ Coronae Borealis

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Simultaneous uvby and Hβ photometry of thee noneclipsing double-lined spectroscopic binary TZ CrB, an active binary system with almost unevolved components, is presented. A small amplitude distortion wave (0.012 mag in y) has been found with maximum light at phase ∽0.75. No variations in color or the βindex during the orbital cycle have been detected within the precision of the observations. The resulting color indices in the standard uvby system allow the estimation of some basic stellar parameters, such as the average effective temperature ∽6000 K and the stellar radii of the component stars ∽1.1 R_⨀. These results, together with available spectroscopic data, permit a consistent picture for this interesting binary to be obtained.
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© American Astronomical Society. We want to express our gratitude to the staff of the Obser­vatory of Sierra Nevada, operated by the Instituto de Astro­física de Andalucía (CSIC), for their help during the obser­vational campaign. This work has been supported by the Spanish Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica (CAICYT No. 2254/83).
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