Metalexicografía diacrónica aplicada a diccionarios de hebreo bíblico
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
En la segunda mitad del siglo XX surge una nueva forma de mirar a los diccionarios. Su metamorfosis, de obras de consulta a artefactos culturales que podían sometidos a escrutinio, debe considerarse como una de las revoluciones más notables del campo de la lexicografía. Filólogos de griego neotestamentario han comenzado a explorar cómo aprehendemos el significado de una palabra bíblica tras consultarla en el diccionario pero, lo que resulta más importante, cómo los diccionarios transmiten esa información y cómo nos hacen creer que dicha consulta nos convierte en conocedores del significado de una palabra en particular. Esta tesis doctoral se propone contribuir al emergente ámbito académico de la metalexicografía desarrollando un método de análisis expresamente ajustado a las peculiaridades del hebreo bíblico en tanto que lengua de corpus. Simultáneamente, aborda un campo semántico hasta ahora desatendido, el de SEXO, a través del examen de los verbos más atestiguados...
A new way of regarding dictionaries appeared in the second half of the 20th century. Their metamorphosis, from reference works to cultural artefacts that could be close read, ought to be considered one of the most remarkable revolutions in lexicographical studies. New Testament Greek philologists began to explore how we grasp what a biblical word means after looking it up in a lexicon but, most importantly, how dictionaries convey that information and make us believe we now know the meaning of a particular lexical item. This thesis dissertation aims to contribute to the emerging academic branch of metalexicography or comparative lexicography by developing an analitical method expressly tailored to the peculiarities of Biblical Hebrew as a corpus language. It simultaneously addresses a so-far neglected semantic field, namely “sex”, through the examination of its best-attested verbs...
A new way of regarding dictionaries appeared in the second half of the 20th century. Their metamorphosis, from reference works to cultural artefacts that could be close read, ought to be considered one of the most remarkable revolutions in lexicographical studies. New Testament Greek philologists began to explore how we grasp what a biblical word means after looking it up in a lexicon but, most importantly, how dictionaries convey that information and make us believe we now know the meaning of a particular lexical item. This thesis dissertation aims to contribute to the emerging academic branch of metalexicography or comparative lexicography by developing an analitical method expressly tailored to the peculiarities of Biblical Hebrew as a corpus language. It simultaneously addresses a so-far neglected semantic field, namely “sex”, through the examination of its best-attested verbs...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 07-07-2022