El dios An/Anu(m) en la literatura babilonia: estudio de religión y mitología
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El presente trabajo aborda la mitología y las concepciones teológicas asociadas a la figura del dios mesopotámico del cielo, Anu(m) (An en sumerio), tomando como punto de partida la literatura redactada en acadio en el período paleobabilonio (2000-1600 a. C.). Con ello se pretende llenar un vacío hasta hoy existente en la investigación sobre la antigua religión mesopotámica. El dios mesopotámico An/Anum (Anu) forma parte del selecto grupo de divinidades soberanas de la antigua Mesopotamia. Pese a su posición suprema y su aparición frecuente, aunque sucinta, en fuentes cuneiformes de toda clase, no ha sido objeto de estudios sistemáticos a lo largo del último siglo. Todos los trabajos sobre la historia de la religión mesopotámica le reconocen las características de dios celeste, patriarca y monarca divino, sin entrar por lo demás en detalles o cuestionar la pertinencia de esta caracterización. El objetivo de la presente tesis es discernir y examinar los rasgos que se le atribuyen realmente en las fuentes cuneiformes, tanto en lo que concierne la caracterización de la divinidad en cuanto tal como su relación con el resto de figuras del panteón..
The present work deals with the mythology and theological ideas linked to the figure of the Mesopotamian sky-god, Anu(m) (An in Sumerian), starting from the literary works composed in Akkadian during the Old Babylonian period (2000-1600 BC). The purpose of this is to fill a vacuum that has remained up to this day in the research about the ancient Mesopotamian religion.The Mesopotamian god An/Anum (Anu) belongs to the select group of sovereign deities of ancient Mesopotamia. Although he holds a supreme position and appears frequently, although briefly, in every kind of cuneiform sources, no systematic study has been devoted to him during the last century. All the studies on Mesopotamian religion so far acknowledge him the characteristics of being a sky-god, patriarch, and divine king, yet without either dealing with the details or questioning these labels. The aim of the present dissertation is to distinguish and examine the characteristics that are actually credited to him in the cuneiform sources, in what relates both to his portrayal and to his relationship with the other members of the pantheon...
The present work deals with the mythology and theological ideas linked to the figure of the Mesopotamian sky-god, Anu(m) (An in Sumerian), starting from the literary works composed in Akkadian during the Old Babylonian period (2000-1600 BC). The purpose of this is to fill a vacuum that has remained up to this day in the research about the ancient Mesopotamian religion.The Mesopotamian god An/Anum (Anu) belongs to the select group of sovereign deities of ancient Mesopotamia. Although he holds a supreme position and appears frequently, although briefly, in every kind of cuneiform sources, no systematic study has been devoted to him during the last century. All the studies on Mesopotamian religion so far acknowledge him the characteristics of being a sky-god, patriarch, and divine king, yet without either dealing with the details or questioning these labels. The aim of the present dissertation is to distinguish and examine the characteristics that are actually credited to him in the cuneiform sources, in what relates both to his portrayal and to his relationship with the other members of the pantheon...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 25-01-2021