Raman scattering by LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes in n-type InP

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Blanco, N.
Artús, L.
Cuscó, R.
Ibáñez, J.
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American Physical Society
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We have studied LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes by means of Raman scattering in n-InP for carrier densities between 6x10(16) and 1x10(19) cm(-3). A line-shape theory based on the Lindhard-Mermin dielectric function that takes into account the nonparabolicity of the InP conduction band as well as temperature and finite wave-vector effects is used to fit the Raman spectra and extract accurate values of the electron density. The results obtained from the Lindhard-Mermin model are compared with the charge density determinations based on the Drude and the hydrodynamical models, and the approximations involved in these models are discussed.
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© The American Physical Society. The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura for financial support.
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