Modelo de viabilidad de un proyecto social y tecnológico en atención a las enfermedades autoinmunes
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A lo largo del presente estudio, se analiza un modelo de viabilidad de un proyecto social que busca la inclusión de las enfermedades autoinmunes, mejorando la calidad de vida de aquéllos que lo padecen y proporcionando apoyo emocional a las personas que les afecta. Este tipo de enfermedades son poco conocidas tanto por la sociedad como por el sistema de la salud, pero cada vez son más las personas a las que se les diagnostica y que deben enfrentarse a la desinformación y asistencia psicológica, entre otros factores. El trabajo proporcionado pretende ofrecer un enfoque multidisciplinar, interconectando áreas como la tecnología, la salud, el apoyo emocional y la educación en este ámbito, los cuales apenas se han combinado a lo largo de la historia y menos aún en este sector. Además, se integran la investigación científica y herramientas tecnológicas como una plataforma online y una aplicación móvil, con el fin de potenciar la salud digital y personalizada. Con todo ello, se pretende llevar a cabo un impacto social que se irá determinando conforme se vaya desarrollando el proyecto social.
Troughout this study, we analyze a feasibility plan for a Social Project that seeks the inclusion of autoimmune diseases, improving the quality of life of those who suffer from them and providing emotional support to the people affected by them. These types of diseases are little known both by society and by the health system, but more and more people are being diagnosed with them and have to fase misinformation and psychological assistance, among other factors. The work provided aims to offer a multidisciplinary approach, interconnecting areas such as technology, health, emotional support and education in this field, which have hardly been combined troughout history and even less so in this sector. In addition, it integrates scientific research and technological tools such as an online platform and a mobile application are integrated, in order to promote digital and personalized health. With all this, the aim is to achieve a social impact that will be determined as the Social Project develops.
Troughout this study, we analyze a feasibility plan for a Social Project that seeks the inclusion of autoimmune diseases, improving the quality of life of those who suffer from them and providing emotional support to the people affected by them. These types of diseases are little known both by society and by the health system, but more and more people are being diagnosed with them and have to fase misinformation and psychological assistance, among other factors. The work provided aims to offer a multidisciplinary approach, interconnecting areas such as technology, health, emotional support and education in this field, which have hardly been combined troughout history and even less so in this sector. In addition, it integrates scientific research and technological tools such as an online platform and a mobile application are integrated, in order to promote digital and personalized health. With all this, the aim is to achieve a social impact that will be determined as the Social Project develops.