La comicidad narrativa en 1 Samuel y Ester en el Texto Masorético de la Biblia Hebrea, según la edición de Leningradensis B19a de la Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Esta tesis se ocupa de la participación de lo cómico en las narraciones de la BH a partir del análisis lingüístico y narratológico de algunas escenas tomadas de los libros de 1 Samuel y Ester. En concreto, se intenta: a) demostrar la concurrencia de la comicidad en la BH, según el texto masorético de Leningradensis b19a en edición BHS; b) mejorar el conocimiento de los mecanismos narrativos del hebreo bíblico y c) mejorar el conocimiento del funcionamiento de ciertos aspectos del sistema verbal hebreo. Este trabajo propone que, en ocasiones, el texto bíblico destila una particular comicidad que tiene su reflejo en algunos de los aspectos lingüísticos del hebreo bíblico, tal y como este es abordable en el TM. El objetivo es, por un lado, identificar esos procedimientos o detonantes cómicos propios de esos textos bíblicos en hebreo a la luz de la comicidad general o universal y, por otro, pero relacionado con lo anterior, señalar qué catalizadores lingüísticos permiten el desarrollo de las escenas cómicas que parecen descubrirse en los ejemplos elegidos...
This thesis deals with the participation of the comic in the narratives of the BH from the linguistic and narratological analysis of some scenes taken from the books of 1 Samuel and Esther. In particular, the aim is to: a) to demonstrate the concurrence of the comicity in the BH, as presented in the Leningradensis b19a Masoretic text in the BHS edition; b) to improve knowledge of the mechanisms of narration in Biblical Hebrew, and c) to improve knowledge of the functioning of certain aspects of the Hebrew verbal system. This work proposes that, on occasion, the biblical text distills a particular comicality that has its reflection in some of the linguistic aspects of biblical Hebrew, as this is affordable in the TM. The objective is, on the one hand, to identify those comical procedures or triggers proper to those biblical texts in Hebrew in the light of the general or universal comicality and, on the other hand, but related to the aforementioned, indicate which linguistic catalysts allow the development of the comic scenes that seem to be discovered in the chosen examples...
This thesis deals with the participation of the comic in the narratives of the BH from the linguistic and narratological analysis of some scenes taken from the books of 1 Samuel and Esther. In particular, the aim is to: a) to demonstrate the concurrence of the comicity in the BH, as presented in the Leningradensis b19a Masoretic text in the BHS edition; b) to improve knowledge of the mechanisms of narration in Biblical Hebrew, and c) to improve knowledge of the functioning of certain aspects of the Hebrew verbal system. This work proposes that, on occasion, the biblical text distills a particular comicality that has its reflection in some of the linguistic aspects of biblical Hebrew, as this is affordable in the TM. The objective is, on the one hand, to identify those comical procedures or triggers proper to those biblical texts in Hebrew in the light of the general or universal comicality and, on the other hand, but related to the aforementioned, indicate which linguistic catalysts allow the development of the comic scenes that seem to be discovered in the chosen examples...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 25-05-2022