Integrable quasiclassical deformations of cubic curves

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Kodama, Y.
Konopelchenko, Boris
Medina Reus, Elena
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American Institute of Physics
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A general scheme for determining and studying hydrodynamic type systems describing integrable deformations of algebraic curves is applied to cubic curves. Lagrange resolvents of the theory of cubic equations are used to derive and characterize these deformations.
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©2005 American Institute of Physics. One of the authors (L.M.A.) wishes to thank the members of the Physics Department of Lecce University for their warm hospitality. This work is partially supported by DGCYT Project BFM 2002-01607 and by the grant COFIN 2004 “Sintesi” One of the authors (Y.K.) is partially supported by NSF Grant No. DMS 0404931
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