El Ferrocarril Central de Cuba: Medio siglo de planteamiento y tres años de construcción
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Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, las autoridades españolas habían intentado construir un Ferrocarril Central cubano para conectar La Habana con las provincias orientales con el motivo de pacificar la tensión política y explotar dicha zona. Sin embargo, el proyecto no se pudo iniciar hasta la ocupación militar estadounidense en Cuba. Desde entonces, debido a la intervención conjunta del gobierno y los capitalistas norteamericanos, el Ferrocarril Central se inauguró en 1902 y formó un motor para la explotación de las provincias orientales cubanas. El presente trabajo intenta analizar el avance del Ferrocarril Central durante 1880-1910 para examinar la influencia de dicho proyecto a Cuba, España y EE. UU., así como resumir sus fracasos y éxitos.
During the second half of the 19th century, the Spanish authorities had tried to build a Cuban Central Railroad to connect Havana with the eastern provinces in order to pacify the political tension and exploit the area. However, the project could not be started until the US military occupation of Cuba. Since then, due to the joint intervention of the government and American capitalists, the Ferrocarril Central was inaugurated in 1902 and became an engine for the exploitation of the eastern provinces of Cuba. This paper attempts to analyze the progress of the Ferrocarril Central during the 1880s-1900s to examine the influence of the project on Cuba, Spain and the US, as well as to summarize its failures and successes.
During the second half of the 19th century, the Spanish authorities had tried to build a Cuban Central Railroad to connect Havana with the eastern provinces in order to pacify the political tension and exploit the area. However, the project could not be started until the US military occupation of Cuba. Since then, due to the joint intervention of the government and American capitalists, the Ferrocarril Central was inaugurated in 1902 and became an engine for the exploitation of the eastern provinces of Cuba. This paper attempts to analyze the progress of the Ferrocarril Central during the 1880s-1900s to examine the influence of the project on Cuba, Spain and the US, as well as to summarize its failures and successes.