Edición, traducción y estudio de "Muzil Al-Hasr Fi Mukatabat Ahl Al-'Asr", de Abu Al-Jayr Ya'Qub Ibn Muhammad
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El presente trabajo constituye el primer análisis de Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-‘aṣr,el manuscrito, que hasta el momento no ha sido editado. El objetivo principal de esta investigación científica es resaltar el importante papel desempeñado por la ciencia de la edición de manuscritos y el arte de la correspondencia en el resurgimiento de la historia y la literatura en la gestión administrativa dentro de la comunidad árabe. La estructura de este estudio está estrechamente relacionada con los principales objetivos, es decir, resaltar el importante papel desempeñado por la edición de manuscritos y el arte de la redacción en el renacimiento de la historia y la literatura administrativas árabes, a través de un estudio analítico del manuscrito Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-‘aṣr, que presuntamente habría sido escrito por Al-Qalqašandī. Para ello, este trabajo de investigación se ha estructurado en tres partes, aparte de la introducción, las conclusiones y recomendaciones y la bibliografía. En la introducción se explican el proceso y las razones de la selección de este tema, los objetivos principales y secundarios, la metodología utilizada, los estudios anteriores sobre temas cercanos al nuestro, así como la estructuración del trabajo. La primera parte se centra en la biografía de Al-Qalqašandī, para acercar al lector su obra literaria más importante y los escritores previos que influyeron en él. A continuación, realizamos una comparación para encontrar las similitudes entre el libro Ṣubḥ al-a΄ša fī sinā´at al-inšā’ y nuestro manuscrito, en cuanto a contenido y análisis social y literario. El propósito principal de esta comparación es determinar si el texto manuscrito objeto de este estudio se puede atribuir a Al- Qalqašandī o no. A continuación, realizamos un estudio teórico sobre el impacto de la correspondencia en la vida social dentro de la sociedad árabe. En cuanto a la segunda parte, consistirá en una traducción del manuscrito Muzaīal al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-‘aṣr. Se explica el vocabulario del texto, que se compone de dos artículos, uno sobre la redacción de correspondencia y otro, compuesto a su vez de tres apartados, sobre la categorización del remitente y el receptor de la correspondencia y las características de los escritos según cada uno de ellos. Resultando en varias secciones: tipos de felicitaciones, agradecimientos, condolencias, intimidaciones, citas, arrepentimientos y respuestas. Hemos procedido a traducir el texto al español académico-literario y explicar algunos términos que irán indicados en las notas...
The present work constitutes the first analysis of Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-'aṣr, the manuscript which until now has not been edited. The main objective of this scientific research is to highlight the important role played by the science of manuscript editing and the art of correspondence in the resurgence of history and literature in administrative management within the Arab community. The structure of this study is closely related to the main objectives, that is to highlight the important role played by manuscript editing and the art of writing in the revival of Arab administrative history and literature, through an analytical study of the Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-'aṣr manuscript, which was allegedly written by Al- Qalqašandī. For this, this research work has been structured in three parts, apart from the introduction, the conclusions and recommendations and the bibliography. The introduction explains the process and the reasons for the selection of this topic, the main and secondary objectives, the methodology used, the previous studies on topics close to ours, as well as the structuring of the work. The first part focuses on the biography of Al-Qalqašandī, to bring the reader his most important literary work and the previous writers who influenced him. Next, we make a comparison to find the similarities between the book Ṣubḥ al-a΄ša fī sinā´at al-inšā and our manuscript, in terms of content and social and literary analysis. The main purpose of this comparison is to determine whether the manuscript text object of this study can be attributed to Al-Qalqašandī or not. Next, we carry out a theoretical study on the impact of correspondence on social life within Arab society. As for the second part, it will consist of a translation of the Muzaīal al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-‘aṣr manuscript. The vocabulary of the text is explained, which is composed of two articles, one on the writing of correspondence and the other, composed in turn of three sections, on the categorization of the sender and receiver of the correspondence and the characteristics of the writings according to each one of them. Resulting in several sections: types of congratulations, thanks, condolences, intimidations, quotes, regrets and response…
The present work constitutes the first analysis of Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-'aṣr, the manuscript which until now has not been edited. The main objective of this scientific research is to highlight the important role played by the science of manuscript editing and the art of correspondence in the resurgence of history and literature in administrative management within the Arab community. The structure of this study is closely related to the main objectives, that is to highlight the important role played by manuscript editing and the art of writing in the revival of Arab administrative history and literature, through an analytical study of the Muzīl al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-'aṣr manuscript, which was allegedly written by Al- Qalqašandī. For this, this research work has been structured in three parts, apart from the introduction, the conclusions and recommendations and the bibliography. The introduction explains the process and the reasons for the selection of this topic, the main and secondary objectives, the methodology used, the previous studies on topics close to ours, as well as the structuring of the work. The first part focuses on the biography of Al-Qalqašandī, to bring the reader his most important literary work and the previous writers who influenced him. Next, we make a comparison to find the similarities between the book Ṣubḥ al-a΄ša fī sinā´at al-inšā and our manuscript, in terms of content and social and literary analysis. The main purpose of this comparison is to determine whether the manuscript text object of this study can be attributed to Al-Qalqašandī or not. Next, we carry out a theoretical study on the impact of correspondence on social life within Arab society. As for the second part, it will consist of a translation of the Muzaīal al-ḥaṣr fī mukatabāt ahl al-‘aṣr manuscript. The vocabulary of the text is explained, which is composed of two articles, one on the writing of correspondence and the other, composed in turn of three sections, on the categorization of the sender and receiver of the correspondence and the characteristics of the writings according to each one of them. Resulting in several sections: types of congratulations, thanks, condolences, intimidations, quotes, regrets and response…
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 13-02-2020