Removal of biogenic amines from wines by chemisorption on functionalized silica and effects on other wine components

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Rodríguez-Bencomo, J.J., Rigou, P., Mattivi, F. et al. Removal of biogenic amines from wines by chemisorption on functionalized silica and effects on other wine components. Sci Rep 10, 17279 (2020).
The effectiveness of several functionalized silica materials (cation-exchange materials) for the removal of biogenic amines from wines, and the effects on other wine components and organoleptic characteristics were evaluated. Results have shown that mesoporous silica material bi-functionalized with phosphonic and sulfonic acids allowed the removal of histamine, putrescine, cadaverine, spermine and spermidine from wines, although the dose must be adapted for each wine according to the removal requirements and wine characteristics. A plus of the adsorbent developed is that it can be recovered and re-used for at least 3 treatments. Immediately following the treatments, a decrease in the levels of linear ethyl esters (ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate and ethyl decanoate) was observed, although these levels were re-equilibrated after several days reducing this undesired side effect. A slight, but perceptible, effect on wine color was observed, probably due to the slight decrease in the pH of the wine produced by the treatments. On the basis of the sensory analysis that focused only on the aroma of the wines, the proposed technique would be more adequate for wines aged in barrels than for young wines
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