Estudio transversal de índices panorámicos dentales y medidas de dimensión fractal en niños con Osteogénesis Imperfecta tratados con antirresortivos
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Universidad Complutense Madrid
La Osteogénesis Imperfecta (OI) es un trastorno hereditario congénito causado por una alteración en la producción y síntesis del colágeno, principalmente del tipo I, afectando a los genes COL1A1 y COL1A2. Se caracteriza por la presencia de osteopenia y aumento de la fragilidad ósea tras un traumatismo mínimo, causando morbilidad aumentada debido al dolor, inmovilidad, deformidades esqueléticas y deficiencia del crecimiento. A nivel oral, han sido más estudiadas las alteraciones dentales (Dentinogénesis Imperfecta (DI), agenesias, erupciones tardías, ectópicas e impactación de primeros o segundos molares permanentes), que las consecuencias de la propia enfermedad en los maxilares. Además, los tratamientos con fármacos antirresortivos cuyos efectos sobre el esqueleto han sido bien estudiados, no han recibido apenas atención sobre los maxilares en desarrollo...
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a congenital hereditary disorder caused by an alteration in the production and synthesis of collagen, mainly type I, COL1A1 and COL1A2. It is characterized by the presence of osteopenia and increased bone fragility after minimal trauma, causing increased morbidity due to pain, immobility, skeletal deformities and growth deficiency.At the oral level, dental alterations (Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI), agenesis, late eruptions, ectopic eruptions and impaction of first or second permanent molars) have been studied more than the consequences of the disease itself in the jaws. In addition, treatments with antiresorptive drugs whose effects on the skeleton have been well studied have received little attention on the developing jaws...
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a congenital hereditary disorder caused by an alteration in the production and synthesis of collagen, mainly type I, COL1A1 and COL1A2. It is characterized by the presence of osteopenia and increased bone fragility after minimal trauma, causing increased morbidity due to pain, immobility, skeletal deformities and growth deficiency.At the oral level, dental alterations (Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI), agenesis, late eruptions, ectopic eruptions and impaction of first or second permanent molars) have been studied more than the consequences of the disease itself in the jaws. In addition, treatments with antiresorptive drugs whose effects on the skeleton have been well studied have received little attention on the developing jaws...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología, leída el 22/10/2024