Urban social struggles in Andalusia: Approaches to the politicization of our daily lives

Sánchez Cota, Ariana; Salguero Montaño, Óscar; García García, Esther; Rodríguez Medela, Juan (2018). Urban social struggles in Andalusia: Approaches to the politicization of our daily lives. En E. Bermúdez y B. Roca (coords.), Andalusia: history, society and diversity (pp. 157-195). New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc
This chapter analyses the capitalist city model on the basis of the existing struggle between the dominant space of capitalism and the spaces experienced by the inhabitants of towns and cities. This model is mapped on the Andalusian territory from a series of cases of urban social struggles against the capitalist city model that have been generated in recent years and grouped according to some of the most significant frameworks where these conflicts occur: urban renewal and gentrification processes, the touristification of neighbourhoods and mass tourism (overtourism), the dismantling of public space, major international events and excessive urban growth. The interrelation between all these manifestations of the capitalist city will allow the presentation of a series of reflections on the practices, strategies and discourses of urban social struggles in Andalusia.
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Organizational Units
Journal Issue