Many-body Coulomb gauge exotic and charmed hybrids

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Cotanch, Stephen R
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Utilizing an effective QCD Coulomb gauge Hamiltonian with linear confinement specified by lattice, we report a relativistic many-body calculation for the light exotic and charmed hybrid mesons. The Hamiltonian successfully describes both quark and gluon sectors, with vacuum and quasiparticle properties generated by a BCS transformation and more elaborate TDA and RPA diagonalizations for the meson (q¯q ) and glueball (gg) masses. Hybrids entail a computationally intense relativistic three quasiparticle (q ¯ qg) calculation with the 9-dimensional Hamiltonian matrix elements evaluated variationally by Monte Carlo techniques. Our new TDA (RPA) spectrum for the nonexotic 1−− charmed (c ¯ c and c ¯cg) system provides an explanation for the overpopulation of the observed J/ψ states. For the important 1−+ light exotic channel we obtain hybrid masses above 2 GeV, in broad agreement with lattice and flux tube models, indicating that the recently observed resonances at 1.4 and 1.6 GeV are of different, perhaps four quark, structure.
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© 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. We thank NERSC for providing Cray J-90 CPU time. F.L.E. acknowledges SURA-Jefferson Lab for a graduate fellowship. This work was partially supported by grantsDOE DE-FG02 97ER41048 and NSF INT-9807009
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