#Violencias de género en twitter: análisis desde el trabajo social
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
En este trabajo de investigación se analiza una parte de la red social más pública y con mayor repercusión en la actualidad, Twitter, donde diariamente miles de usuarias/os transmiten, sostienen y perpetúan mensajes violentos, ya sean simbó-licos o explícitos, que atentan directamente contra la dignidad de las mujeres y que ponen de manifiesto la desigualdad de género imperante. La violencia de género on-line debe ser entendida no solo como aquella que se produce dentro de las relaciones sentimentales, sino también como aquella que sufren las mujeres en su día a día en diversos entornos por razón de su sexo. En concreto, internet se constituye como una realidad virtual que genera sus propias reglas y que carece de límites claros, quedan-do las mujeres expuestas a todo tipo de agresiones de manera incluso despenalizada, social y/o legalmente...
In this research, we have analyzed a part of the most public social network with the greatest impact today, Twitter, where thousands of users daily transmit, sustain and perpetuate violent messages, whether symbolic or explicit, that directly attack the dignity of women and highlight gender inequality. Online gender violence must be understood not only as one that occurs within sentimental relationships but also as the one suffered by women in their daily lives in different contexts because of gen-der. In particular, the Internet is constituted as a virtual reality that generates its own rules and lacks clear limits, leaving women exposed to all types of aggression.The main objective of this research is to favor the identification, analysis and classification of the different types of violence, both explicit and symbolic, against women on the social network Twitter...
In this research, we have analyzed a part of the most public social network with the greatest impact today, Twitter, where thousands of users daily transmit, sustain and perpetuate violent messages, whether symbolic or explicit, that directly attack the dignity of women and highlight gender inequality. Online gender violence must be understood not only as one that occurs within sentimental relationships but also as the one suffered by women in their daily lives in different contexts because of gen-der. In particular, the Internet is constituted as a virtual reality that generates its own rules and lacks clear limits, leaving women exposed to all types of aggression.The main objective of this research is to favor the identification, analysis and classification of the different types of violence, both explicit and symbolic, against women on the social network Twitter...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 12-09-2017