Polar quasi-normal modes of neutron stars with equations of state satisfying the 2 M_0 constraint

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In this paper, we analyze the quasinormal mode spectrum of realistic neutron stars by studying the polar modes. In particular, we calculate the fundamental mode (f mode), the fundamental pressure mode (p mode), and the fundamental curvature mode (wI mode) for 15 different equations of state satisfying the 2 M_0 constraint, most of them containing exotic matter. Since f and p modes couple to matter perturbations, the influence of the presence of hyperons and quarks in the core of the neutron stars is more significant than for the axial component. We present phenomenological relations, which are compatible with previous results, for the frequency and damping time with the compactness of the neutron star. We also consider new phenomenological relations between the frequency and damping time of the wI mode and the f mode. These new relations are independent of the equation of state and could be used to estimate the central pressure, mass, or radius and eventually constrain the equation-of-state of neutron stars. To obtain these results, we have developed a new method based on the exterior complex scaling technique with a variable angle.
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©2014 American Physical Society. We would like to thank I. Bednarek for kindly providing us with the equation of state BHZBM, I. Sagert for equations of state WSPHS1–WSPHS3, A. Sedrakian for equations of state BS1–BS4, and S. Weissenborn for equations of state WCS1–WCS2. We thank Daniela Doneva for valuable comments on our work and Gabriel A. Galindo for his help concerning the exterior complex scaling method. We would also like to thank the referee for his/her suggestions. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, research Project No. FIS2011-28013. J. L. B. was supported by the Spanish Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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