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Omar Abū Rīša (1911-1990): vida, obra y compromiso

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Esta investigación repasa la vida y obra del poeta sirio ʿOmar Abū Rīša (1911-1990), un intelectual orgánico defensor de la independencia de los países árabes de la ocupación franco-inglesa y destacado valedor del panarabismo. Se trata de uno de los poetas árabes más importantes y destacados del siglo XX. Además de su posicionamiento anticolonial, dedicó gran parte de sus poemas al panarabismo, movimiento político que propugna la unión de todos los países de lengua y civilización árabes y que tuvo su auge entre las décadas de 1940 y 1970. Era un poeta atrevido, que ha sabido como perfeccionar su poesía y centrarla en temas de suma actualidad e importancia para todos los árabes. Sus poemas son realistas y sus características no se adhieren a una escuela específica, sino que tiene peculiaridades comunes con más de una escuela. Se trata de un intelectual comprometido con las causas justas, defensor de la libertad de los pueblos árabes y de su unidad en contra de la injerencia extranjera. Sus creaciones poéticas eran un reflejo de su vida y su época, y en eso erradica su importancia.
This study is based on reviewing the life and work of the poet ʿOmar Abū Rīša (1911-1990), an authentic intellectual defender of the independence of the Arab countries from the Franco-English occupation and a prominent supporter of Pan-Arabism. He was one of the most important and prominent Arab poets of the 20th century.In addition to his anti-colonial position, he dedicated a large number of his poems to Pan-Arabism, a political movement that advocated the union of all the Arab speaking countries and Arab civilizations that had its peak from the 1940s to the 1970s. He was a daring poet who had known how to perfect his poetry and focus it on topics of the utmost relevance to all Arabs. His poems are realistic, and they are characterized by how they do not adhere to specific style, but he has peculiarities that can be found in multiple styles. He was an intellectual committed to just causes, defender of the freedom of the Arab peoples and their unity against foreign interference. His poetic creations were a reflection of his life and time, and in that he eradicates their importance.

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Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 22-01-2021

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