Calidad de vida y apoyo social comunitario en personas con la capacidad modificada
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Esta investigación surge de la preocupación por las plausibles barreras sociales que se encuentran las personas con discapacidad para adoptar roles sociales positivos y estables, y la consiguiente repercusión de dicho fenómeno en los niveles generales de bienestar. La falta de espacios en los que el colectivo pueda desarrollarse socio-personalmente de forma libre e igualitaria, se torna aún más evidente cuando analizamos la realidad de personas con discapacidad con la capacidad modificada. La carga social asociada a la etiqueta de persona con discapacidad, sumada al espacio socio-jurídico vinculado a las personas presuntamente “incapaces”, genera sinergias teórico-prácticas que en numerosas ocasiones no hacen más que perpetuar mecanismos de intervención basados en la sobreprotección, el paternalismo y el estigma.Pese al ostensible avance en la protección jurídica de las personas con discapacidad desarrollada por la Convención Internacional sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, y la obligación de los Estados firmantes a adoptar un sistema de apoyos que priorice la promoción socio-personal de los sujetos, la investigación social no ha desarrollado un corpus analítico que ahonde en el impacto de las barreras sociales como determinantes causales de la exclusión sufrida por las personas con discapacidad con la capacidad modificada. En este sentido, el presente trabajo profundiza en el análisis del impacto de la percepción de apoyo social comunitario en los niveles generales de calidad de vida de personas con la capacidad modificada y cuya tutela recae en la Administración Pública...
This research arises from the concern about the plausible social barriers that people with disabilities find in adopting positive and stable social roles, and the consequent impact of this phenomenon on general levels of well-being. The lack of spaces in which the collective can develop socio-personally freely and equally, becomes even more evident when we analyze the reality of people with disabilities with the modified capacity. The social burden associated with the label of people with disabilities, added to the socio-legal space linked to the allegedly “incapable” people, generates theoretical-practical synergies that on many occasions do nothing more than perpetuate intervention mechanisms based on overprotection, paternalism and stigma.Despite the significant progress in the legal protection of people with disabilities developed by the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the obligation of signatory States to adopt a support system that prioritizes the socio-personal promotion of subjects, social research has not developed an analytical corpus that delves into the impact of social barriers as causal determinants of exclusion suffered by people with disabilities with modified capacity. In this sense, the present work deepens in the analysis of the impact of the perception of community social support in the general levels of quality of life of people with the modified capacity and whose guardianship falls to the Public Administration...
This research arises from the concern about the plausible social barriers that people with disabilities find in adopting positive and stable social roles, and the consequent impact of this phenomenon on general levels of well-being. The lack of spaces in which the collective can develop socio-personally freely and equally, becomes even more evident when we analyze the reality of people with disabilities with the modified capacity. The social burden associated with the label of people with disabilities, added to the socio-legal space linked to the allegedly “incapable” people, generates theoretical-practical synergies that on many occasions do nothing more than perpetuate intervention mechanisms based on overprotection, paternalism and stigma.Despite the significant progress in the legal protection of people with disabilities developed by the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the obligation of signatory States to adopt a support system that prioritizes the socio-personal promotion of subjects, social research has not developed an analytical corpus that delves into the impact of social barriers as causal determinants of exclusion suffered by people with disabilities with modified capacity. In this sense, the present work deepens in the analysis of the impact of the perception of community social support in the general levels of quality of life of people with the modified capacity and whose guardianship falls to the Public Administration...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, leída el 17-01-2020