Propuesta de conservación-restauración de un óleo sobre hierro. El caso de Noland mirage, de Isabel Álvarez Zañartu.
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El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, ubicado en el ámbito de la Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Cultural, plantea como tema de estudio la problemática asociada a la conservación de óleo sobre hierro oxidado mediante el estudio de un caso concreto: la obra de la artista Isabel Álvarez Zañartu titulada Noland mirage (2016). Esta investigación se basa en el estudio de la trayectoria de la artista, el contacto directo con la misma y el examen en profundidad de Noland mirage. También incluye un estudio de conservación así como un análisis técnico con el objetivo de elaborar una propuesta de conservación adecuada a la dimensión conceptual de la obra y a los criterios de conservación-restauración de arte contemporáneo.
La problemática principal de esta pieza radica en el alto grado de deterioro del soporte férreo, el cual compromete gravemente la estabilidad de la capa pictórica al tiempo que forma parte del significado de la obra. La propuesta tiene en cuenta la opinión de la artista sobre la conservación de su obra y se apoya en un estudio de las distintas metodologías actuales de tratamiento del metal oxidado, así como la realización de ensayos sobre maquetas.
This Final Degree Project, located in the area of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, raises as a subject of study the problems associated with the conservation of oil on oxidized iron through the study of a specific case: the artist´s work Isabel Álvarez Zañartu titled Noland mirage (2016). This research is based on the study of the artist´s career, direct contact with her, also an in-depth examination of Noland mirage. It also includes a conservation study as well as a technical analysys in order to develop a conservation proposal appropriate to the conceptual dimension of the work and the conservation-restoration criteria of contemporary art. The main problem with this piece lies in the high degree of deterioration of the iron support, which compromises the stability of the pictorial layer while forming part of the meaning of the work. The proposal takes into account the artist´s opinion on the conservation of her work and is based on a study of the different current methodologies for treating oxidized metal, as well as tests on models.
This Final Degree Project, located in the area of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, raises as a subject of study the problems associated with the conservation of oil on oxidized iron through the study of a specific case: the artist´s work Isabel Álvarez Zañartu titled Noland mirage (2016). This research is based on the study of the artist´s career, direct contact with her, also an in-depth examination of Noland mirage. It also includes a conservation study as well as a technical analysys in order to develop a conservation proposal appropriate to the conceptual dimension of the work and the conservation-restoration criteria of contemporary art. The main problem with this piece lies in the high degree of deterioration of the iron support, which compromises the stability of the pictorial layer while forming part of the meaning of the work. The proposal takes into account the artist´s opinion on the conservation of her work and is based on a study of the different current methodologies for treating oxidized metal, as well as tests on models.