ART-GCS: an adaptive real-time multi-agent ground control station

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Ground Control Stations (GCS) are essential tools to monitor and command real-world complex missions involving Unmanned Vehicles (UVs). As the number and types of UVs in the mission grows, implementing a robust and adaptable GCS, capable of simplifying and reducing operator' interactions and mental workloads, becomes an engineering challenge. To address it, this paper presents a new Adaptive-Real-Time (ART)-GCS that 1) allows to monitor and control a runtime changing number of heterogeneous UVs, 2) adapt its GUI to the mission requirements and operators workload to minimize their fatigue and stress, and 3) provide support to experiments with actual and simulated UVs. To show its benefits in real-world missions, this paper presents a field experiment where, for safety reasons, a simulated unmanned aerial vehicle has to find an oil-spill that must be enclosed by a containment boom dragged by two real unmanned surface vehicles.
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©2019 IEEE Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim) (2019. Tucson, Arizona) This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the funding of DPI2013-46665-C2-1-R project.