Nature of the low-temperature 3 x 3 surface phase of Pb/Ge(111)

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Avila, A.
Asensio, M. C.
Ferrer, S.
Michel, E. G
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American Physical Society
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The structure of the low-temperature 3 X 3 surface phase of Pb/Ge(111) has been determined by surface x-ray diffraction experiments. Analysis of the data reveals that the Pb layer exhibits a vertical corrugation of similar to 0.4 Angstrom, affecting also the two top Ge layers. Significant distortions are found down to the third Ge layer. This structural model supports that the 3 X 3 ground state can be best described as a cooperative distortion stabilized by a gain in electronic energy. [S0031-9007(99)08749-9].
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© 1999 The American Physical Society. This work was financed by DGES (Spain) (Grants No. PB-97-0031 and No. PB-97-1199). We thank the staff of ESRF for experimental support and X. Torrelles, F. Flores, E. Tosatti, and S. Modesti for fruitful discussions. A. M. thanks Eusko Jaurlaritza for financial support.
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