Crossed Ga_2O_3/SnO_2 Multiwire Architecture: A Local Structure Study with Nanometer Resolution

dc.contributor.authorMartínez Criado, Gema
dc.contributor.authorSegura Ruiz, Jaime
dc.contributor.authorManh-Hung, Chu
dc.contributor.authorTucoulou, Remi
dc.contributor.authorLópez García, Iñaki
dc.contributor.authorNogales Díaz, Emilio
dc.contributor.authorMéndez Martín, María Bianchi
dc.contributor.authorPiqueras De Noriega, Francisco Javier
dc.description© 2014 American Chemical Society. The authors thank Irina Snigireva and Armando Vicente Solé for their assistance with the SEM measurements and data processing using PyMca, respectively. We thank Peter Cloetens and Sylvain Labouréfor their help and the ESRF for the beam time allocated. This work has been partially supported by the NANOWIRING Marie Curie ITN (EU project no. PITN-GA- 2010 -265073) and by MINECO (Projects MAT 2012-31959 and Consolider Ingenio CSD 2009-00013).
dc.description.abstractCrossed nanowire structures are the basis for high-density integration of a variety of nanodevices. Owing to the critical role of nanowires intersections in creating hybrid architectures, it has become a challenge to investigate the local structure in crossing points in metal oxide nanowires. Thus, if intentionally grown crossed nanowires are well-patterned, an ideal model to the role of impurities in the coupling formation, structural modifications, and atomic site configuration based on crossed Ga_2O_3/SnO_2 nanowires. Our experiment opens new avenues for further local structure studies with both nanometer resolution and elemental sensitivity.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Física de Materiales
dc.description.facultyFac. de Ciencias Físicas
dc.description.sponsorshipUnión Europea. FP7
dc.description.sponsorshipMarie Curie ITN (EU)
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)
dc.description.sponsorshipConsolider Ingenio
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dc.journal.titleNano letters
dc.publisherAmer Chemical Soc
dc.relation.projectIDNANOWIRING (PITN-GA- 2010-265073)
dc.relation.projectIDMAT 2012-31959
dc.relation.projectIDCSD 2009-00013
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access
dc.subject.keywordScanning photoelectron Microscopy
dc.subject.keywordInas nanowires
dc.subject.keywordOptoelectronic devices
dc.subject.keywordOxide nanowires
dc.subject.keywordGallium oxide
dc.subject.keywordZno nanorods
dc.subject.ucmFísica de materiales
dc.subject.ucmFísica del estado sólido
dc.subject.unesco2211 Física del Estado Sólido
dc.titleCrossed Ga_2O_3/SnO_2 Multiwire Architecture: A Local Structure Study with Nanometer Resolution
dc.typejournal article
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