La intervención socio-urbanística de los asentamientos informales en Madrid: impactos en la configuración de una ciudad moderna europea
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Los debates en torno a los enfoques de la intervención de los asentamientos informales se ha centrado principalmente en las actuaciones adelantadas en las ciudades de América Latina, África y Asia, dejando de lado los procesos y formas de intervención dadas en algunas ciudades europeas, actuaciones que lograron revertir la urbanización informal a partir de la constitución de marcos institucionales y normativos, la formulación e implementación de políticas, planes y programas urbanísticos y sociales dirigidos a la atención de esta problemática.En este estudio se plantearon dos objetivos principales, el primero buscó develar las interacciones sociales, ambientales e institucionales que propiciaron la configuración de los modelos de intervención de los asentamientos informales en Madrid entre 1975-2015 dirigidos a garantizar el derecho a la vivienda adecuada a las familias en situación de pobreza y exclusión, y su vinculación a las estructuras del bienestar en España...
Debates about intervention approaches on informal settlements have focused mainly on the actions carried out in the cities of Latin America, Africa and Asia, leaving aside the processes and forms of intervention given in some European cities, actions that managed to revert informal urbanization through the constitution of institutional and regulatory frameworks, the formulation and implementation of specific urban and social policies, plans and programs aimed at respond this problem.This study had two main objectives. The first sought to unveil the social, environmental and institutional interactions that led to the configuration of intervention models of informal settlements in Madrid between 1975-2015 aimed at guaranteeing the right to adequate housing for families in poverty and exclusion situation as well as their connection to welfare structures in Spain. The second, aimed to identify the substantive and specific contributions of Social Work to the constitution of the public housing provision system and to the social integration of the families living in the shanty towns of Madrid. Special attention has payed to neighborhoods remodeling and rehousing programs implemented in that period of study...
Debates about intervention approaches on informal settlements have focused mainly on the actions carried out in the cities of Latin America, Africa and Asia, leaving aside the processes and forms of intervention given in some European cities, actions that managed to revert informal urbanization through the constitution of institutional and regulatory frameworks, the formulation and implementation of specific urban and social policies, plans and programs aimed at respond this problem.This study had two main objectives. The first sought to unveil the social, environmental and institutional interactions that led to the configuration of intervention models of informal settlements in Madrid between 1975-2015 aimed at guaranteeing the right to adequate housing for families in poverty and exclusion situation as well as their connection to welfare structures in Spain. The second, aimed to identify the substantive and specific contributions of Social Work to the constitution of the public housing provision system and to the social integration of the families living in the shanty towns of Madrid. Special attention has payed to neighborhoods remodeling and rehousing programs implemented in that period of study...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 11-12-2018