Cualificaciones y competencias profesionales del trabajo social en Ecuador:comparación con otros países de su entorno
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Respecto a la decisión de desarrollar este tema, la autora destaca las transformaciones de las relaciones sociales por el desarrollo de la globalización que a pasos agigantados provoca avances en la ciencia, saberes, comunicación, tecnología lo que promueve que los poderes del estado, actores sociales, instituciones se preocupen por estar a la vanguardia de la innovación para proponer cambios que generen sobre todo en la educación la reestructuración de la oferta académica a nivel de los diferentes niveles de educación en especial en la educación superior, se implementen propuestas curriculares acordes con la innovación científica y tecnológica para el logro de resultados de aprendizaje que promuevan la calidad en la formación de los profesionales. Otro de los aspectos que hacen pertinente el trabajo investigativo son los postulados de la carta magna del Ecuador (2008) que reorienta y prioriza la intervención del Estado en los programas sociales, en el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa de todo el Sistema Nacional de Educación, en la capacitación, innovación, evaluación y desempeño de los docentes, en la formación de los profesionales que egresan de las diversas universidades del país, en la propuesta y diseño de los currículos con el enfoque general de competencias, en la oportunidad de becas para la innovación de conocimientos en las mejores universidades a nivel nacional, regional y mundial...
Regarding the decision to develop this theme, the author highlights transformations of social relations for the development of globalization which rapidly leads to advances in science, technology, knowledge, communication that promotes that the powers of the State, social actors, institutions worry about being at the forefront of innovation to propose changes that generate primarily in the education restructuring of the academic offerings at the level of the different levels of education in particular in higher education, proposed curricular chords with scientific and technological innovation for the achievement of learning outcomes that promote quality in the training of professionals.Another aspect that makes relevant the research work are the tenets of the Constitution of Ecuador (2008) that reorients and prioritizes the intervention of the State in social programmers, the improvement of the educational quality of the entire national system education, training, innovation, evaluation and performance of teachers, in the training of professionals who graduate from different universities of the country, in the proposal and design of curricula with the general approach of competences, in the opportunity scholarships for the innovation of knowledge at the best universities to national, regional and global levels...
Regarding the decision to develop this theme, the author highlights transformations of social relations for the development of globalization which rapidly leads to advances in science, technology, knowledge, communication that promotes that the powers of the State, social actors, institutions worry about being at the forefront of innovation to propose changes that generate primarily in the education restructuring of the academic offerings at the level of the different levels of education in particular in higher education, proposed curricular chords with scientific and technological innovation for the achievement of learning outcomes that promote quality in the training of professionals.Another aspect that makes relevant the research work are the tenets of the Constitution of Ecuador (2008) that reorients and prioritizes the intervention of the State in social programmers, the improvement of the educational quality of the entire national system education, training, innovation, evaluation and performance of teachers, in the training of professionals who graduate from different universities of the country, in the proposal and design of curricula with the general approach of competences, in the opportunity scholarships for the innovation of knowledge at the best universities to national, regional and global levels...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 22-11-2019