Cobos Díaz, Fernando

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Cobos Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Análisis Matemático Matemática Aplicada
Análisis Matemático
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 65
  • Item
    Measure of non-compactness and limiting interpolation with slowly varying functions
    (Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2024) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Grover, Manvi
    We give estimates for the measure of non-compactness of an operator interpolated by the limiting methods involving slowly varying functions. As applications we establish estimates for the measure of non-compactness of operators acting between Lorentz–Karamata spaces.
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    Diversity of Lorentz-Zygmund spaces of operators defined by approximation numbers
    (Analysis Mathematica, 2023) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Kühn, Thomas
    We prove the following dichotomy for the spaces ℒ (a) p,q,α (X, Y) of all operators T ∈ ℒ(X, Y) whose approximation numbers belong to the Lorentz-Zygmund sequence spaces ℓp,q(log ℓ)α: If X and Y are infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, then the spaces ℒ (a) p,q,α (X, Y) with 0 < p < ∞, 0 < q ≤ ∞ and α ∈ ℝ are all different from each other, but otherwise, if X or Y are finite-dimensional, they are all equal (to ℒ(X, Y)). Moreover we show that the scale is strictly increasing in q, where ℒ (a) ∈,q (X, Y) is the space of all operators in ℒ(X, Y) whose approximation numbers are in the limiting Lorentz sequence space ∓∈,q.
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    Logarithmic interpolation methods and measure of non-compactness
    (Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2019) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández Besoy, Blanca
    We derive interpolation formulae for the measure of non-compactness of operators interpolated by logarithmic methods with θ = 0, 1 between quasi-Banach spaces. Applications are given to operators between Lorentz-Zygmund spaces.
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    Approximation and entropy numbers of embeddings between approximation spaces
    (Constructive Approximation, 2018) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Domínguez Bonilla, Óscar; Kühn, Thomas
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    Nuclear embeddings of Besov spaces into Zygmund spaces
    (Journal of Fourier analysis and applications, 2019) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Edmunds, David E.; Kühn, Tomas
    Let d ∈ N and let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain in Rd. We prove that the embedding Id : Bd (Ω) −→ L (log L) (Ω) is nuclear if a < −1 and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞,p,q ≤∞, while if −1 < a < 0, 2 < p < ∞ and p ≤ q ≤ ∞ while if −1 < a < 0, 2 < p < ∞ and p ≤ q ≤ ∞ the embedding Id fails to be nuclear. Furthermore, if a = −1, the embedding Id : Bd∞,∞(Ω) −→ L∞ (log L)−1 (Ω) is not nuclear.
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    On compactness results of Lions-Peetre type for bilinear operators
    (Nonlinear Analysis, 2019) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Martínez, Antón
    Let Ā = (A₀ , A₁) , B̄ = (B₀ , B₁) be Banach couples, let E be a Banach space and let T be a bilinear operator such that ||T(a, b)||ᴇ ≤ M[sub]j ||a||ᴀ[sub]j ||b||ʙ[sub]j for a ∈ A₀ ∩ A₁, b ∈ B₀ ∩ B₁, j = 0, 1. If T : A°[sub]j × B°[sub]j −→ E compactly for j = 0 or 1, we show that T may be uniquely extended to a compact bilinear operator from the complex interpolation spaces generated by Ā and B̄ to E. Furthermore, the corresponding result for the real method is given and we also study the case when E is replaced by a couple (E₀, E₁) of Banach function spaces on the same measure space.
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    On Besov spaces of logarithmic smoothness and Lipschitz spaces
    (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Domínguez Bonilla, Óscar
    We compare Besov spaces B-p,q(0,b) with zero classical smoothness and logarithmic smoothness b defined by using the Fourier transform with the corresponding spaces:B-p,q(0,b) defined by means of the modulus of smoothness. In particular, we show that B-p,q(0,b+1/2) = B-2,2(0,b) for b > -1/2. We also determine the dual of In:B-p,q(0,b) with the help of logarithmic Lipschitz spaces Lip(p,q)((1,-alpha)) Finally we show embeddings between spaces Lip(p,q)((1,-alpha)) and B-p,q(1,b) which complement and improve embeddings established by Haroske (2000).
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    On function spaces of Lorentz–Sobolev type
    (Mathematische Annalen, 2021) Fernández Besoy, Blanca; Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Triebel, Hans
    We work with Triebel–Lizorkin spaces FsqLp,r(Rn) and Besov spaces BsqLp,r(Rn) with Lorentz smoothness. Using their characterizations by real interpolation we show how to transfer a number of properties of the usual Triebel–Lizorkin and Besov spaces to the spaces with Lorentz smoothness. In particular, we give results on diffeomorphisms, extension operators, multipliers and we also show sufficient conditions on parameters for FsqLp,r(Rn) and BsqLp,r(Rn) to be multiplication algebras.
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    On a problem of Lions concerning real interpolation spaces. The quasi-Banach case
    (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2022) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Cwikel, M.; Kühn, Thomas
    We prove that, under a mild condition on a couple (A0;A1) of quasi-Banach spaces, all real interpolation spaces (A0;A1)θ,p with 0 < θ < 1 and 0 < p ≤ ∞ are different from each other. In the Banach case and for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ this was shown by Janson, Nilsson, Peetre and Zafran, thus solving an old problem posed by J.-L. Lions. Moreover, we give an application to certain spaces which are important objects in Operator Theory and which consist of bounded linear operators whose approximation numbers belong to Lorentz sequence spaces.
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    On a result of Peetre about interpolation of operator spaces
    (Publicacions Matemàtiques, 2000) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Signes, Teresa
    We establish interpolation formulae for operator spaces that are components of a given quasi-normed operator ideal.