Patrimonio mundial e innovación docente para la formación del profesorado: el caso de Madrid, “Paisaje de la Luz”

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McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España : Aula Magna
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SÁNCHEZ RIVERA, J. Á. Patrimonio Mundial e innovación docente para la Formación del Profesorado: El caso de Madrid, “Paisaje de la Luz”. En Gonzálvez Maciá, C., Sanmartín López, R. y Vicent Juan, M. (eds.). Nuevos retos educativos e investigación interdisciplinaria. Madrid, Aula Magna-McGraw Hill, 2022, pp. 439-452.
The recent declaration of the “Landscape of Light. Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro. Landscape of Arts and Sciences” of Madrid as World Heritage by UNESCO (July 25, 2021) has meant the highest institutional recognition of this emblematic space of the Spanish capital. An acknowledgment that, undoubtedly, will have important socioeconomic repercussions and, perhaps, also urban and other repercussions. For this, we have developed a didactic proposal based on cooperative learning and the work of itineraries, which has been partially implemented (pilot test) among the students of the Mas-ter's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary School, taught at the Universidad Complutense of Ma-drid. His approach delves into the analysis and critical commentary of this urban environment, from its past at the dawn of the Modern Age to the present (green spaces, public monuments, museums, and other cultural institutions; economic activities; pollution rates and urban mobility…). And its goal is to promote reflection on the educational potential of this World Heritage and subsequent educational action.
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Proyecto de Investigación competitivo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación denominado “Competencias digitales, procesos de aprendizaje y toma de conciencia sobre el patrimonio cultural: educación de calidad para ciudades y comunidades sostenibles” (ref. PID2020-115288RB-I00). Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid denominado “CiTiEs (Ciudades: Tiempo + Espacio). Implementación de itinerarios didácticos para la enseñanza virtual y presencial del Patrimonio cultural de Madrid a través del aprendizaje cooperativo” (Curso académico 2021-2022, área de Ciencias Sociales, nº 385).