Estudio comparativo in vitro de las propiedades mecánicas de prótesis implantosoportadas de arcada completa confeccionadas con distintos materiales y recubrimientos
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Universidad Complutense Madrid
Objetivos: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar la resistencia a la flexión en prótesis fijas implantosoportadas de arcada completa (PFIAC) confeccionadas con distintos materiales, en dos longitudes de cantiléver de 7,5 mm y 15 mm, tras ser sometidas a un envejecimiento químico y mecánico. Los objetivos secundarios incluyen, analizar la resistencia a la fractura del recubrimiento en las prótesis bicapa, medir la deformación en ambas longitudes de cantiléver, examinar mediante microscopía las muestras testadas para identificar los tipos de fallos, y evaluar el impacto del termociclado en la rugosidad superficial de los materiales libres de metal.
Objectives: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the flexural strenght of complete-arch fixed implant-supported prostheses (CAIFSP) made with different materials, in two cantilever lenghts of 7,5 mm and 15 mm, after being subjected to chemical and mechanical aging. Secondary objectives include analyzing the fracture resistance of the veneering material in bilayer prostheses and deformation at both cantilever lenghts, examining the tested samples using microscopy to identify failure types, and assesing the impact of thermocycling on the surface roghness of metal-free materials.
Objectives: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the flexural strenght of complete-arch fixed implant-supported prostheses (CAIFSP) made with different materials, in two cantilever lenghts of 7,5 mm and 15 mm, after being subjected to chemical and mechanical aging. Secondary objectives include analyzing the fracture resistance of the veneering material in bilayer prostheses and deformation at both cantilever lenghts, examining the tested samples using microscopy to identify failure types, and assesing the impact of thermocycling on the surface roghness of metal-free materials.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología, leída el 28/06/2024