Procesos identitarios y territorialidad. Estudio de caso de la Comunidad ancestral LaToglla, Quito-Ecuador
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La investigación Procesos identitarios y territorialidad. Estudio de caso de la Comunidad ancestral La Toglla, Quito-Ecuador, surge de una solicitud realizada por parte de uno de los líderes de la Comunidad indígena ubicada en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (DMQ). Esta investigación se realiza desde un enfoque cualitativo que permite comprender la realidad social a partir del significado de las relaciones humanas (Cotán, 2020), a través de técnicas como la entrevista semiestructurada a profundidad y la observación. Si bien, se han identificado diferentes problemas que afectan a esta población, por la relevancia que tiene en su permanencia, en esta investigación se aborda la afectación en los procesos identitarios de una población indígena que lucha por permanecer en su territorio contra factores internos y externos que terminan incidiendo en su auto identificación y pertenencia. El objetivo principal fue identificar y analizar los principales conflictos y re significaciones que han influido en el proceso de construcción identitaria y pertenencia de una comunidad indígena de Quito- Ecuador y para su cumplimiento fueron propuestos cinco objetivos específicos que se desarrollan a través de los capítulos trabajados...
The research Identity processes and territoriality. A case study of the ancestral community La Toglla, Quito-Ecuador, arises from a request made by one of the leaders of the indigenous community located in the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ). This research is based on a qualitative approach that allows us to understand the social reality based on the meaning of human relationships (Cotán, 2020), through techniques such as semi-structured in-depth interviews and observation.Although different problems have been identified that affect this population, due to the relevance it has on their permanence, this research addresses the impact on the identity processes of an indigenous population that struggles to remain in their territory against internal and external factors that end up affecting their self-identification and belonging.The main objective was to identify and analyse the main conflicts and re-significations that have influenced the process of identity construction and belonging of an indigenous community in Quito, Ecuador, and to achieve this, five specific objectives were proposed, which are developed through the chapters...
The research Identity processes and territoriality. A case study of the ancestral community La Toglla, Quito-Ecuador, arises from a request made by one of the leaders of the indigenous community located in the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ). This research is based on a qualitative approach that allows us to understand the social reality based on the meaning of human relationships (Cotán, 2020), through techniques such as semi-structured in-depth interviews and observation.Although different problems have been identified that affect this population, due to the relevance it has on their permanence, this research addresses the impact on the identity processes of an indigenous population that struggles to remain in their territory against internal and external factors that end up affecting their self-identification and belonging.The main objective was to identify and analyse the main conflicts and re-significations that have influenced the process of identity construction and belonging of an indigenous community in Quito, Ecuador, and to achieve this, five specific objectives were proposed, which are developed through the chapters...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, leída el 20-06-2024