Evaluación de la huella digital del turismo de naturaleza en los parques nacionales de España
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Los parques nacionales son destinos destacados para el turismo y la recreación debido a su valor estético y las oportunidades recreativas que ofrecen. Sin embargo, el crecimiento de la actividad turística en estos espacios puede generar presión sobre los ecosistemas que protegen. Bajo esta perspectiva, la investigación del uso turístico de los parques nacionales se ha establecido como una de las líneas prioritarias para la investigación sobre estos espacios (Eagles, 2014).Tradicionalmente, los datos para analizar el uso público de los parques nacionales se obtienen de encuestas y datos provenientes de dispositivos de conteo de vehículos y personas, lo que puede ser muy exigente en términos de tiempo y costos. En este contexto, los datos de redes sociales, con su creciente volumen de datos disponibles, han surgido como una fuente confiable e interesante para comprender las interacciones humanas. Una línea emergente de investigación se ha desarrollado en torno al uso de datos geolocalizados de redes sociales para estudiar el comportamiento de los visitantes en los espacios naturales protegidos. A pesar de estos avances, existe un aspecto relevante que ha recibido menos atención; el aprovechamiento de la geolocalización en el uso de técnicas de análisis y estadística espacial...
National parks serve as prominent tourist and recreational destinations, owing to their aesthetic allure and the wide range of leisure opportunities they offer. However, the escalating influx of tourists in these areas places considerable stress on the ecosystems they are designed to protect. Consequently, research into tourism within national parks has gained recognition as a top research priority (Eagles, 2014).Traditionally, data for analyzing public use of national parks has been gathered from surveys and data collected from vehicles and people counting devices. However, this approach can be resource-intensive both in terms of time and costs. In this context, social media data, with its burgeoning volume of accessible information, has emerged as a dependable and intriguing source for comprehending human interactions. A growing area of research has evolved around the utilization of geotagged data from social networks to analyze visitor behavior in protected natural spaces. Despite these advancements, one crucial aspect has received limited attention: the use of geotagged data for spatial analysis and statistics...
National parks serve as prominent tourist and recreational destinations, owing to their aesthetic allure and the wide range of leisure opportunities they offer. However, the escalating influx of tourists in these areas places considerable stress on the ecosystems they are designed to protect. Consequently, research into tourism within national parks has gained recognition as a top research priority (Eagles, 2014).Traditionally, data for analyzing public use of national parks has been gathered from surveys and data collected from vehicles and people counting devices. However, this approach can be resource-intensive both in terms of time and costs. In this context, social media data, with its burgeoning volume of accessible information, has emerged as a dependable and intriguing source for comprehending human interactions. A growing area of research has evolved around the utilization of geotagged data from social networks to analyze visitor behavior in protected natural spaces. Despite these advancements, one crucial aspect has received limited attention: the use of geotagged data for spatial analysis and statistics...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, leída el 16/01/2024